The Worst has Happened...


New member
Jul 3, 2011
British Columbia, Canada
Kitoko: Female Senegal Parrot, born 2002
Talia: Female CAG, born 2008
Mateo: Female CAG, born 2008
The worst has happened... Kito flew out an opened window.

After hours of searching, she is no where to be found.

We've put out her cage, left flyers everywhere, and scoured the neighborhood.

Hopefully she is found, but until then, I'm not sure what else to do.

Please be careful with your babies, you don't want to know what this feels like.
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She gets fed in the morning, with healthy snacks throughout the day.
Oh dear, so she might not be hungry enough to seek out home until morning? I hope she finds a safe place to hide from predators if you don't manage to catch her before it gets dark out. Do you have a local cable news company, and a local newspaper? Any way to get the word out would be good, and news folks always like a good "human interest story" - if you have a good, clear picture that will help.
I would make a flyer w/her picture on if possible. You can post it in mailboxes, post offices, groceries, laundermats, vets office, pet supply stores. Anywhere that gets alot of traffic. Try talking to local kids, they pay more attention to details like strange birds. Any favorite music/birdie videos you can play outside that might lure her in? Also report her to here: Reuniting Lost & Found Birds/Parrots - 911ParrotAlert

I'm so sorry, I have nightmares about this kind of thing. Hope she's home w/you safe soon.
I'm so sorry, I hope Kito stays safe until she is found.
:( This is my worst fear and why I'm so darn diligent about clipping wings. I know others argue against it, but I don't want to ever have an accident happen and I no longer have my baby.

I hope she's found soon!
I am so sorry! I hope Kito finds her way home to you soon!!
i am sooo sorry this happened, and yes i do know what this feels like.
i never want to go through it again, she was the only flighted bird i ever had.
so i keep Baibees' wings clipped.
i hope and pray you get your miracle.
Oooooooh No, I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you get her back safe and sound and in a hurry. This is why I keep my birds clipped.
Our African Grey was missing for 4 days until she was found. She was 12 miles from home! Definately post flyers, ads, on the internet and tv news if possible.
I too know how this feels. Fortunately I got mine back. He then got his wings clipped. He still flies way too good though.
Here's hoping you get Kito back. Soooo sorry.
Happy to hear she was found!
As well, I hope no one with clipped birds lure themselves in a sense of false security - clipped birds can and will take off if there's an opportunity. Caution is ALWAYS required.
Oh no, I am so sorry to read your sad post.
I lost my Lola several years ago when she followed my ex husband's friend out the sliding side door and then flew away. I looked everywhere, pounding on doors of all the neighbors down the street in the direction where we saw her fly. I came back to my house when it started getting dark. I ended up finding her in the neighbor's yard- she had flown only one house over, and then she hid under a bush. She never made a noise despite the fact that I was calling her name repeatedly all down the street. If you lose your bird, look down. I have read that tame birds become frightened and then they fly down to hide. This advice is contrary to what you would think, but try it. Look Under things. I hope you find your beloved bird soon. Don't give up.

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