The weird eating habits of Einstein...


New member
Mar 18, 2012
2 month old Einstein, the African Grey! <3
In all the time I've owned birds, (generally the smaller of the parrot family - parakeets, love birds, etc.) never have I come across such a strange bird as my baby African Grey, Einstein! For one, he doesn't like Bananas, Watermelon, Apples, or really any other fruits I've tried to give him...

But he has a real sweet tooth otherwise. He prefers bits of crumb cake and Vanilla-flavored wheat cereal instead! Half the time he won't even really eat his own food!

What are some strange things your birds like to eat? :grey:
I do not think it is a matter of your bird not liking these things. Sometimes we need to show the young birds how to eat. Is this safe a baby may wonder and mom would let them know by letting the babies see her eat. So I suggest you eat whatever you want your bird to eat in front of them. Pellets? well not maybe those. It can be the same thing for toys. Suggest you lay off the sugar items and salty foods. Have you researched what a parrots diet should be? Greys seem to need more calcium than other species. There are many calcium rich foods and some of them are a precursor to beta carotene. There must be a balance between vit. D3 and calcium in the body so do not forget about the importance of full spec lighting.

Anyway offer the organge/yellow food such as squash and sweet potatoes. Diet is very important for the health of your bird.

Greys also need omega - 3 fatty acids found in dark green leavy veggies (kale) is one of the best sources. Also pumpkin seeds, walnuts, flax, hemp and chia, blueberry and raspberry. Vit. A will be in these foods also. Protein is important; yogurt, cottage cheese, hard cooked egg, plain chicken and grains & nuts (not peanuts or sunflower). If a bird does not have a proper diet at some point it will end up with organ failure. This is what happens to many of the seed only eating birds. Good luck!
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