The Two Poimigos!


New member
Sep 16, 2012
Marty-Jardine's Parrot
So! Everything has been a roller-coaster with Marty and Kippy lately. Once she adjusted and got over her hurt feelings Kip has discovered that she actually likes about that!? She constantly sits on his cage, and about a week ago a Poifect moment happened between the two of them!

My fiance had woken up a bit earlier than usual and decided to wake me up by putting Kippy on my head (men). Seeing as how he is terrified of her astounding size, strength, and tenacity he decided to use a wooden dowel and get her to step up. Well, all Kippy sees is this MAN-THING coming at her with a stick and mom's no where to be seen! So she does what any rational parrot would do...she starts running for her life, and charges up her cage and takes flight...right into Marty's open cage! Where she remained happily until I awoke an hour or so later!

And now they are two poi's in a pod and have no trouble whatsoever sharing me, food, a perch, a cage, anything. Its quite funny seeing as how Kippy tried to glare him to death when we first brought him home! Haha!

I also have taken to feeding Marty outside of his cage in the mornings since I am a bit scared about his weight fluctuating, so now Kippy shares my breakfast and Marty sits on the table eating his until climbing onto my mug and telling me its time to wipe his beak. *Ugh, I'm in love* I am one LUCKY parront!

The Poi's

They have me surrounded! Help!! While they are all looking away! Save me from the Poipocalypse!! The Pug's a traitor! Ah!!
HAHAHAHAHA!!! So well written! :D I can't stop laughing at the visual in my head.

How terrific that Marty and Kippy decided to be buddies! :)
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HAHAHAHAHA!!! So well written! :D I can't stop laughing at the visual in my head.

How terrific that Marty and Kippy decided to be buddies! :)

I woke up to "Guess what honey? Kippy is in Marty's cage!"

Wow, that's amazing! :D :D And they're so cute! Give them both some kisses from me ;)

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