The TRUTH about caique cage size????


New member
Sep 25, 2015
Montreal, Quebec Canada
Please, please help Kiki and I decide on his new mansion.

Right now he is in very high quality powder coated cage. 24"W x 22"D x 35"H

I want to go stainless steel - Kiki assures me that I can afford it! Of course he does!

Advice Needed:

1) Size
2) Bar spacing
3) Dome top or Flat top (he currently has a play top which I removed cause he never uses it)

That's it! Three easy questions. Anybody up to giving their opinion?

Any and all suggestions would be very welcome! BTW, I'm in Canada, so need to know who ships here? However, Kiki will figure that out (he reckons I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed!), however, he does compliment me on my "firm" kindness!

We thank you!:orange:
The truth about cage size for caiques or any bird really is there is no upper limit. Figure out your budget, then figure out your specs (what fits in your space, what material, what features) and start the search. Consider too that your caique might appreciate play stands and other out of cage areas more than he would appreciate the bigger cage! My birds adore their playstands and boings and since they spent most of their day out of cage, these items definitely enrich their lives more than having another 10" of cage space would. Just food for thought :)

I unfortunately don't live in Canada and don't know of any cage suppliers for your area, but if I lived in Canada I would get everything else from ThingsforWings! They have some adorable toys and perches but being in the US the shipping is unrealistic for us :(
I second Mallory's comment about other play areas! Henry and Ethyl's cages aren't the biggest we could afford - it's one that is super easy for me to handle and functional, fit's nicely in it's space and is big enough for a few different perches, toys and if I head out, games and foraging items. They pretty much live on my shoulder anyway, but with the extra $$ we made sure they had boings around the house and a cracker play gym in the living room.
Don't get me wrong, the bigger the better by all means, but part of offering a bigger space to the parrots is making sure they've got safe places to land and play within the home too.
I think Featherland makes the best SS cages. I have the Java Hut for my Sun Conure which is the smallest I believe, but plenty big :rainbow1::rainbow1:enough because he spends most days on me or his two gyms on the screened-in porch. Whoever designed the outside feed cups was a genius. I never have to clean the floor around the cage. I feed all perishable food in the morning outside, so rarely have to change the bottom paper. Mostly pellets in the cage...some millet, tree nuts and nutri-berries changed daily. Most all mess is on me or the porch...HA. Google Featherland and see which distributors ship to Canada. I got SS because we live in Florida near the beach and everything rusts here in no time....even inside.

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