The Nutcracker: The Caique Version


New member
Dec 6, 2012
Eliza -- Black Headed Caique
Henry -- White-Bellied Caique
In which Eliza takes on the Mouse King...

Oh my gosh, what a great picture!!!!!!

Awesome photo, Derek!!! Would you please (pretty pretty please) consider entering that pic in our monthly contest?

Did I mention with sugar on top? :D
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Awesome photo, Derek!!! Would you please (pretty pretty please) consider entering that pic in our monthly contest?

Did I mention with sugar on top? :D

Well, I had to obtain clearance from Eliza (as I do with everything else in this house, come to think of it). She was reluctant until I substituted the sugar on top with banana chips...
I knew she would be the one chosen to do the job :)
How did I miss this post?!? This is an amazing picture!
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How did I miss this post?!? This is an amazing picture!

Thank you, sir. I wouldn't worry about missing the post. As with real productions of The Nutcracker, what you see is pretty much a daily performance during the holiday season!

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