Introducing the Moderators' Choice
Eagle Eye Award
ParrotForums can be a very busy place, and as hard as we Mods try to catch things that shouldn't be posted, we miss things. We are so thankful to the members who help us out with this by bringing our attention to things that got by us.
We decided to create an award to show our appreciation, and are thrilled for the first recipient to be:
David, you go above and beyond at helping us keep the forum running smoothly, and your efforts are appreciated so much. Thank you for all you do to keep PF a safe and inviting place for all!
Eagle Eye Award
ParrotForums can be a very busy place, and as hard as we Mods try to catch things that shouldn't be posted, we miss things. We are so thankful to the members who help us out with this by bringing our attention to things that got by us.
We decided to create an award to show our appreciation, and are thrilled for the first recipient to be:
David, you go above and beyond at helping us keep the forum running smoothly, and your efforts are appreciated so much. Thank you for all you do to keep PF a safe and inviting place for all!
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