The could shoulder after vet visit!


New member
May 17, 2015
Southern California
SassyByrd (DYH Amazon) JoJo (GCC) Betty (GCC) DEARLY LOVED fids lost to “Teflon Disaster� 12/17 RIP Pickles (GC),RIP Winston (Sun), RIP Lady PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES &TOSS OUT ALL YOUR TEFLON NOW!
Vet visit was two days ago (Thursday) and was fairly traumatic (for all 3 of us!). The next day (yesterday) she acted like something was wrong and I assumed she was hurting (and I do still think she was/is sore). Hubby spends 15-20 minutes a day with her but she is with me all day, and as soon as he came in to see her she started acting perfectly normal. The second he left back to the sick bird scenario. She would take bird crack (sunflower seeds) from me but not heartily.

When I woke up this morning I went to bribe her with an almond. At first she stared at me like she was debating if I was trying to poison her. After at least a minute of this funky glare, she took the almond, turned around and faced the wall. For the entire almond fest and would not turn around until I was at least 3 feet away from her cage. Good grief! Now that I have been up with her a couple of hours a few things have changed.

First, she is taking treats without hesitation. Her door has been open for 3 hours and she hasn't come out, which is slightly unusual. And she has been going out of her way seeking eye contact. If I ask her to step up she slowly backs away and growls softly at me, if I push it to see where I stand she allows contact but is definitely an unhappy bird, and believe me, that is point well taken. And today she looks and acts like a happy bird unless she is glaring at me.

But she is contact calling me they second I leave and now doing a "new" contact call. Well, the actual "call" sounds identical to me, but she is using it even if I am right next to her "if" I am paying attention to someone else (dog, other bird). Then when I turn to her she wants to play a new game we started right before the vet fiasco, where she makes a sound and I try to copy it. We do thing for a couple of minutes then she tries to copy me (with words or sounds she knows). It's like that's all she wants to do. But I can tell she is still pissed as she hardly ever growls at me and always wants to come out with me.

I even made sure that he put her in the birdy carrier and I took her out. I was food and treats on the way down. I tried my best to make sure most of the negative things were done by my husband and vice versa (Sass loves hubby and tolerates me in a pretty friendly way when he is not in room). So of course I am trying to be all things good, and am confident that eventually we will at least get back to where we were. But I am trying so hard to think like a bird and see this through her eyes and I just can't get how I ended up the bad guy in all this. I guess love really is blind, lol!
Oh, yeah, I got the FROZEN shoulder after a vet visit. Lasts a few days.
He flies around just out of reach, perching high and turning his back to me.
I have quite a few giggles imagining his indignation in Shakespearean phrases...
"Oh, thou vile harlot, thou despot, thou harbinger of veterinary medicine!"
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I’m glad I’m not alone here in the middle of, oh I don’t know, Anartica! It’s very cold and lonely! I just can’t wait for The Green Queen to grant forgiveness. At least it’s just food offerings and she’s not demanding a human sacrifice or anything! Yet.
Love is truly blind in the Amazon World!
The Amazon Cold Shoulder is a reality that if you have to force yourself to see the humor in it. The Grey's offer the Stink Eye! But Amazon's take it to a totally different level: The feared rejection of the: Turn Body, i.e. Face the Back of Coldness! And, they are really good at it!!!

If you take it personal, it will wear on your Heart...
That is why I have long ago learned that you have to see the humor in this act! There is no question that they are mad and someone needs to suffer. After all, she trusted her Humans to protect her. And, they (YOU) didn't!!!
So, after the next criminal event. Assure that the proper amount of: Oh, you poor girl, those mean people must have hurt you... I'm, so very sorry, ect, etc, etc... It will not shorten the shaming period after the event, put with time, you can begin to redirect the shaming.
Julio gets a chance after the event to provide the Payment Staff his opinion of the event!!! By the time the paperwork is done and I'm taking him home and that at least gets me a small star and a day less shaming.
So, work to see the humor and look for ways to shift the target for the shaming and when it begins to work, Enjoy the moment!!!
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I had no idea that Amazons were known for giving the cold shoulder when peeved....good to know! Waters are already's going on 3 days now that she has held a grudge, but she has been holding hands with me, sat on my shoulder this morning and did our daily morning cheek snuggle and is very chatty with me again. What is the longest your Amazon has held a grudge?
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And now that I think about it, holding grudges is so very...."parroty". I can't think of another "pet" that I have had that even had the capacity for grudges! And really, Sass is anything but a "pet". Horses will remember "bad" treatment, and I have seen more than one take their rider to the only stump in a field and deposit said rider with very little ceremony onto the stump. But, I don't think that's ever been a grudge per se, they had just developed a distinct dislike to the rider. I think a true grudge is just another indication of their vast complexity!
When Julio first came to our home he was receiving daily medications and it was a long period of the cold back that lasted until he no longer required the medication. It was two long weeks after that point before he started opening up! A difficult start to our relationship.
We have been able to develop a strong relationship and now the "I hate you to death" is down to a few hours at most. Commonly, less than fifteen minutes.

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