The Bravest Birds - Dikkops


Aug 30, 2016
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Norfolk (England)
Bella (Vosmaeri Eclectus Female) + Dexter (Red Sided Eclectus Male) + Gerry (Vosmaeri Eclectus Male)
These guys nest near crocodiles and aren't afraid to usher the crocs away from their nest.

Equally, they will seemingly defend the crocs nest while the mums away too!

Check this out...

[ame=""]Dikkop bird defends a crocodile - Spy in the Wild: Episode 3 Preview - BBC One - YouTube[/ame]

What plucky little guys!!!
Thank you Violet diva THAT IS AWESOME!!!

also on a side note, why does the husband always have to settle the stuff the wife starts? ;)
Imagine if you had 2 Parrots at home doing the group attack. Its so funny x
See these here in Malawi they are amazing creatures.

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Evolution makes strange bedfellows. (How's that for mixed metaphors?)
Thanks for this! Fascinating.
And LeaKP gets to see them in person! Malawi, the Heart of Africa AND nerve-y birds. And I'm not talking about Nigel. Well, maybe...

More to show that birds and reptiles and dinosaurs are cousins!
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Do you think they have an accord with Crocs? Like a mutual respect and they protect the Croc eggs for safe passage and the Croc understands he can pop out because he has baby sitters? Its just amazing the psychology of it.

I cant stop picturing 2 Quakers side by side with linked wings comming towards me. Oh the terror loool x
Amazing video! I'd never heard of that particular pairing, before. Thanks for sharing!
Saw these guys all the time when I was living in Johannesburg (South Africa). There were a pair that always defended all their eggs and babies vehemently on a school field near my house haha!

I now live in Cape Town and the climate is pretty different so I have yet to see them yet! They are such wonderful birds

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