That's one spicy bird!


New member
Jun 29, 2013
Kihei, Hawaii
None at the moment
So I was making fresh salsa to add to our dinner tonight. Rio decided to help herself to the tops of the veggies and I took this picture. She is eating the seed from the jalapeño, later she ate the top of the jalapeño too. No kisses for her. LOL


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Gives the new meaning of Hot Lips a whole new meaning ( Hot Beak )!!! LOL :)

Rio is very beautiful Wendy!
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Gives the new meaning of Hot Lips a whole new meaning ( Hot Beak )!!! LOL :)

Rio is very beautiful Wendy!

Yeah no kidding, I was shocked when she just dug right in. Hahahaha! Thx for the compliment too. She's my baby :p
that's funny!
I've never tried Jalapenos with Safari or Willow, maybe I should.
The first time we gave Silus a hot pepper he just ate it up!! Steve made the mistake of letting Silus kiss him after and his lips were burning. LOL LOL
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The first time we gave Silus a hot pepper he just ate it up!! Steve made the mistake of letting Silus kiss him after and his lips were burning. LOL LOL

Oh the burn..... LOL

It's amazing they like the hot food that they do.
That's cute.
I don't know why I never thought to offer the bits I usually toss out to the birds. Even when I make them stuff I am on auto and cut ends and tops off everything and toss it out.
I learned during my Noble macaw Mihijo cholesterol problem that by adding in hot peppers help lower the cholesterol. It was not until I added in the hot peppers that the numbers lowered significantly. I will always bite the bullet and cut up the hottest peppers I can find for my flock. It is healthy for them. Yes, I have kissed them and lips have burned. I have been licked by Valentino after he eats them and had my face burn. LOL. Gotta love them.

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