That "magic moment" and then.....


New member
May 17, 2015
Southern California
SassyByrd (DYH Amazon) JoJo (GCC) Betty (GCC) DEARLY LOVED fids lost to “Teflon Disaster� 12/17 RIP Pickles (GC),RIP Winston (Sun), RIP Lady PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES &TOSS OUT ALL YOUR TEFLON NOW!
So, I usually cuddles on and preen Pickles a little more than the other birds as she is a demon when it comes to them and thus lives her days and nights without a feathered friend. So she has been getting more and more "cuddly" (not the exact word but more like loving/cuddly).
So last night we were doing fairy kisses back and forth and then I started kissing her beak and down her neck (this is really starting to sound like a bad romance novel!) and then kind of nuzzled onto her neck and made smooching sounds. She stuck her head up in the air and she had the happiest expression on her face I have ever seen on a bird. This went on and on and I felt so connected to her. I am the one who finally quit as it was kind of an awkward position (physically).
Fast forward to today. Same basic "mood" and we started this kissy thing again. Then "WHAM". Funny thing is, she hardly every WHAMS, it is usually more of a NIP. Pickles reminded me in very uncertain terms that she was a bird. What the heck? I almost forgot that part. I guess I just have to laugh it off and respect her for "being" a bird. Hey, at least we had that "moment". :32:
Hahaha, Pickles was reminding you to respect her boundaries.
LOL! Typical Green Cheek! Mine has those moods too! In a sick twisted way it almost makes me love her even more lol :)
Pépe does that kind of thing, too. He's getting head skritches and loving them, and then, out of nowhere, he's all "AWK-AWK! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!"

Jeez, OK, I'm stopping … wait, now you want cuddles again??

All these sudden mood swings. Hmm … maybe he's really a she! :D

(I can say that – I'm a she, too!)

Kyo is like this too, super loving to hateful in a matter of moments.... but I loves her <3

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