Thanks for the new "toy" mom!


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
I'm in tears laughing. I gave Kyo a little piece of toast this morning to see what she would do with it.

She first licked it and ignored it. But, I just looked over from my chair after hearing her making pissed off noises, and she's laying on her back in her cage attacking the piece of toast like it's the worst evil to exist in the world while holding it in her little feet XD

I so wish that I had my phone handy! It was so cute. She really loves foot toys, so I guess it makes sense she would interpret it as a toy instead of food :p

I hate having to go to work and leave her. Glad she has a nice room with a good eyeline to a window to look out of now. :green2:
Hahaha, it's great when a tasty snack can double as a foot toy!

Keep your phone handy, we need more photos of Kyo.
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I've got a new video of her going up on my youtube right now :) just shows my office/her new room off a bit. She seems to be happy :)

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