test photo


New member
Jan 24, 2006
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Pennsylvania, USA
Australian King Parrots
Lesser Jardines
Red Bellied
Moustache Parakeets
Green Cheek Conure Mutations
Peachface Lovebirds
Scarlet Chested Parakeet
Painted Conures
Military Macaw

Seeing if this will work?

It didn't come up, but I did right click on the X and copied the address to my search bar on my computer and saw the picture. WOW, those are your flights?! Can you post another picture of the flights? I would love to build something like that. Where did you get the materials and stuff? I only have Macaw cages outside to put my guys in for fresh air. Oh and by the way, your bird is sooo cute. :)

Oh, when I posted and went back, your picture was there...cool. Maybe I didn't wait long enough for it to load. :o
I didn't make that flight, I bought it. I'll include a link for you to have a look around their web site. http://www.cageworks.com/
I make a lot of my cages, but I needed something that was big, durable and safe for me to have outdoors so that's why I opted for this. I'm not sure if I have any other full view pictures of it, but I'll check.
As far as seeing the photo, I can see it on my computer. You might want to go to the top of the page and under "display modes" try changing from the choices in there. I know there is a way to make it so you can see the pic, I'm just not sure. I ran into this problem on another site, but forget what the solution was. Maybe greylady has the answer?
If I figure it out, I'll let you know.
Thanks for the compliment on the baby. It's a Lesser Jardines.

Well guys, not sure what the problem was but when I looked could see the pic, I'll have a think about that one, let you know if I can see a problem. Your little guy is sure a cutie, what a handsome soul.
Thanks for the link Michael. And thanks for telling me what kind of bird that is, I really had no clue. I was searching all my saved links trying to find out....guess I should have just asked... :o

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