Taming from month to month..


New member
Mar 23, 2017
Hi guys! So I posted in the welcome section about my situation.

I want to begin training my aunts lovebird Beaky, but it would be on a month to month basis. What tips do you guys have and what's the best way forward, as she's vicious, never been out of her cage etc. If you haven't read my post in the welcome section, all the details are over there!

Thanks for any help you guys can give [emoji173]

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A month to month basis? So only once a month?
I've only done a day to day basis, I even have videos on my YouTube channel on my progress with Jordan my lovebird so I could track my progress, took 11 days.

When taming a bird you have to go at the birds pace, and work with your schedule as well. That's what I found difficult with my taming sessions with Jordan, I didn't have enough time in my day to do a hand taming session with her, but I got up early enough and did a 9-11 minute long session with her for a few days. It was totally worth it.

I'm not sure about a month to month basis. Maybe someone else can help with that.

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Honestly, if your aunt is not on board with any training, trying to train a parrot to do anything, when the session is only repeated once a month, is likely going to be a pretty fruitless excercise . Training a parrot is best done daily, for short periods, with great consistency.
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Hi guys thanks for your responses, I was told on my "welcome" thread that month to month was definitely doable and will make a difference?

The bird is my aunts but it hates her and I'm the birds "person". They only have her for sentimental reasons, all of which is explained in my welcome thread.. [emoji4]

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The bird is my aunts but it hates me and I'm the birds "person". They only have her for sentimental reasons, all of which is explained in my welcome thread.. [emoji4]

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hold on... how are you the birds "person" if he hates you... did I read that wrong?
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Sorry I meant it hates her and also my grandad, the two people she lives with.

As I said, the thread I've posted a link to explains everything.

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Just a little confused as to why I'm getting such mixed advice suddenly? X

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I posted this response in your first post as well, and just copied it here. Basically I think people are just giving their opinions without knowing the entire situation. This is not an all-or-nothing situation, or at least it shouldn't be. This poor bird is basically wild now because it's owner passed away 6 years ago, and since she has had absolutely 0 interaction with people, 0 people talking to her, been locked inside a tiny little cage and has not come out of it for the entire 6 years, had never had a single toy inside this tiny cage for the entire 6 years other than a little mirror, never had her cage cleaned out, and was only fed and given water once a week (if she was very lucky). That's nothing. This bird had absolutely nothing. And as a result she is essentially a wild bird. Since you committed to being her caretaker and future owner she has gotten a nice, new, large cage, a ton of toys, tons of appropriate bird food, fresh veggies, fresh fruit, nuts, and fresh, clean water, and most importantly she has had someone talking to her, spending time with her, coming near her physically, having their hands inside her cage, etc. And since these visits have started this bird not only leads a 500% happier, healthier life, she is also getting reacquainted with people.

I don't think it's at all pointless, especially in a situation where this particular bird has no other interaction with humans at all throughout the month. Is training and simply interacting and talking to the bird one day a month going to tame her? No. Is it going to help her become more and more accustomed to interacting with people? Yes. Is it going to slowly but surely acquaint her with you and get her to recognize you and your voice? Yes. Will this make it an easier adjustment for her when you do finally bring her home full-time with you, and put you ahead of the curve? Absolutely. And once again, will this one day a month make all the difference in the world to this poor little bird who has basically been completely ignored for 6 years, not even having a single toy and being locked inside a tiny, empty cage with not a soul even talking to her? I mean come on, it's certainly not ideal, you know that, it's not what you want either, but it's the best you can do until you find an apartment that will allow you to have her. Saying that you might as well not spend one day a month with this poor little neglected bird, interacting with her and trying to get her to know you, and socializing her any way you can just because it's only for one day a month until further notice, well that's just silly in my opinion.

That bird appreciates that one day a month, and once you do bring her home full-time and can work with her and interact with her every day the one day a month you're spending now will give you an advantage, I promise.

This isn't an all-or-none situation, or at least it shouldn't be. This little bird has had completely NONE, none at all for the last 6 years. So any at all is a 100% improvement and yes, it will help in the long run.

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