taking mirron put of cage


New member
Oct 13, 2023
Muffin (budgie)
(rest peaceful Kiwi)
so I have one budgie (muffin) who's still recovering from the loss of his friend, and I have a mirror in his cage and my closet doors are mirror, and pretty big ones at that. I have been told by my grandmother that I should always have a mirror in his cage, and when he doesn't move from that one perch that it is good, but I have been researching mirrors and I feel I need to take the mirror out of his cage. I have already blocked off the closet mirror with paper, which is the one he always runs to when I take him out. I was wondering how to take the mirror out of his cage without causing him too much stress. I am also gone from 8:30-3:30 everyday so I can't take him out for like 5 hrs a day. any tips to get it out of his cage?
I would agree that the mirror should go. It can cause hormonal issues.

I would suggest removing it for short periods at a time. If he barely reacts to it being gone then just leave it out... if he's distressed, you don't want to cold turkey take it away, so just take it away for short periods and every time you take it out keep it out longer than the last time, until you can eventually just toss it.

When you're away during school, I would recommend playing videos for him. Aviary videos are a good option, but some birds also find human speech comforting so you could get away with just leaving Youtube on auto play.
I would agree that the mirror should go. It can cause hormonal issues.

I would suggest removing it for short periods at a time. If he barely reacts to it being gone then just leave it out... if he's distressed, you don't want to cold turkey take it away, so just take it away for short periods and every time you take it out keep it out longer than the last time, until you can eventually just toss it.

When you're away during school, I would recommend playing videos for him. Aviary videos are a good option, but some birds also find human speech comforting so you could get away with just leaving Youtube on auto play.
Budgies also like to watch cartoons.

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