Sydney update


New member
Sep 29, 2013
So, I've had Sydney for about a week and a half. He's come quite a bit out of his shell. He now comes running when I come to the cage for me to pick him up and he's quite the talker. Tonight out of the blue he said, "Cute, cute!" That's something Sammie says. He's also started wolf whistling, which my partner taught him. He's also taught Sammie how to screech, something I could have lived without, but we're working on it. He's just so much more vocal than she is. Right now he's saying, "Sammie, Sammie, hi!"

Here's a new (and bad shot.) I call this "crazy eye" :)

Funny how siblings can be so different..just like us, I reckon.
Love how he is saying Sammie's name now!
Is Sammie any more accepting of him now? How are the doing on their stand now that they have had some time to get used to it (and each other)?
Ha Ha ,Whoa that is the crazy eye :)
What a cute photo! Sounds like Sydney feels at home already. I just love it when my birds run over to talk to me.
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Funny how siblings can be so different..just like us, I reckon.
Love how he is saying Sammie's name now!
Is Sammie any more accepting of him now? How are the doing on their stand now that they have had some time to get used to it (and each other)?

I can't let them be alone together. Sydney still wants to be friends and Sammie still wants to lunge at him if he gets too close. I cam hold both of them at the same time, but I have to make sure Sydney isn't within striking distance.

With the tree they have to take turns. I just can't trust Sammie yet.

Tonight I had one on each hand and it was bed time, so I put Sydney in and he refused to let go of my hand. Same story with Sammie. I stood there wondering what in the heck I was going to do. Normally when Sammie tries that trick I treat her like a football and just place her in the cage. Well, with one on each hand I was kind of stuck. In the end I had to kind of scrape Sydney off my hand onto the perch. Lesson learned! :)
I can't let them be alone together. Sydney still wants to be friends and Sammie still wants to lunge at him if he gets too close. I cam hold both of them at the same time, but I have to make sure Sydney isn't within striking distance.

With the tree they have to take turns. I just can't trust Sammie yet.

That's a great update Karen :) it hasn't even been that long and Sydney's already talking and feeling at home. I think he's just more vocal cause he's male.

Like you, I can hold Robin and Raven in each hand, but I can't have them within striking distance or Raven would be missing an eye. They have to take turns on the stand also. Robin is so old I don't think he'll all of a sudden start liking other birds. Sammie and Sydney both being young, hopefully she'll get used to him in time.
Yeah, that is definitely the Sennie Crazy Eye. Just wait until they change to that brilliant color of an adult. The eyes are very expressive. And sometimes almost freaky.
He's really checking out the camera, isn't he? I just love how parrots socialize with humans. Especially the ones who have an unknown history. They make me laugh, and I wonder about the previous homes and the people who cared for them.
What a sweety! He looks so curious on that picture!

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