Swollen Air Sacs in Amazon???


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Nov 29, 2011
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White Capped Pionus -
Violet ~~ Yellow Naped Amazon - Jupiter ~~ Baby B&G Macaw (coming soon)
A friend of mine recently purchased a Yellow Naped Amazon that was said to be around 7 years old and female. The bird seems to be in good spirits and absolutley fell in love with her the first time they met. She sent me a few pictures of her and mentioned that the bird had swollen cheeks due to some kind of issue that wasn't serious. I tried to do some of my own research online, but didn't come up with anything that explained why or what exactly was going on. I do have one picture that somewhat shows what I'm talking about... It's from a side view and doesn't show how extreme it really is, but I'm hoping that someone might be able to inform me of what this is. My friend is going to take her to the vet, but I'm hoping that I can sway her to go sooner rather than later!
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I've seen this in person in two other amazons.... different species, and in one it was worse. I do know that if it's an issue, an a-vet can make it so that the air sac doesn't become enlarged as the air will have a way to drain out.
I've seen this before in a yellow nape amazon. I'll ask tomorrow what the final diagnosis was (it was a friends bird)
I have this issue in a hen nape also. I've had it checked by three different AVs over the last several years. They examined,took samples,poked ,you name it they.ve tried it. The best explaination is fatty tumors.I'm not sure if that's right or not ,when drawing samples it seems to be a mucous like substance, similar to saliva. In my bird they change in size somewhat and i think diet might have some effect on their size. It is not life threatening in my bird and doesn't seem to bother her. Some times she likes for me to scratch it. Of course a visit to a GOOD AV is needed . Please PM me if you learn something new, Thanks,Richard
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