But the smell is not from his mouth it is likein his feathers, even after he baths. He does eat mashed up veg everyday. And cut up fruit and veg and sprouted seeds. I do like the smell but was just wondering what he gets it from.
Thanks, but no secented candles as I know they are bad. He seems very happy and mischeivous so I don't think its a problem. Maybe its just the way my little fella smells.
Ozzie doesn't smell very sweet or anything like that. He just smells like.....a bird. Lol
But I do like it, he smells kind of refreshing, almost smells a bit like mint. But Ozzie will wash himself in fruit water, because before I prepare his fruit and cut it into small chucks, I let it sit in water for 10 min, to get any chemical out. And sometimes Ozzie will try to have a baths in the water! And he will smell like fruit for the rest of the day.
Could be his natural odour, in which case your very lucky lol. At least your looking out for anything which may harm him, like the candles and air freshners.