Hello Everyone!
Need some advise...Looks like Norman and I have to move, Again. I found a place thats seems alright but it has a Swamp Heater? Been looking it up and I can't find much info. The owner admits thats it older and that during the winter the MAX possible temp. will be 60 degrees. He suggested that I by a few space heaters. My main concern is Norman. Contrary to most peoples beliefs, it does get cold here, not 15 degrees but 30's. Do any of you use space heaters with your birds as the main source of heat in your homes? Is it Safe?
Thank YOU!!!
Need some advise...Looks like Norman and I have to move, Again. I found a place thats seems alright but it has a Swamp Heater? Been looking it up and I can't find much info. The owner admits thats it older and that during the winter the MAX possible temp. will be 60 degrees. He suggested that I by a few space heaters. My main concern is Norman. Contrary to most peoples beliefs, it does get cold here, not 15 degrees but 30's. Do any of you use space heaters with your birds as the main source of heat in your homes? Is it Safe?
Thank YOU!!!