Sushi's Diet?


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May 18, 2011
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Sushi, our femme fatale SI Ekkie
Hello everyone! Our new baby (actually she's 4 years old) SI ekkie Sushi is home at last and is really settling in incredibly:) The only thing I have been noticing is her eating habits, which seem to be lacking. She's been eating in her cage until she warms up to us more, but she throws ALOT of her food into the floor. I've been cramming a ton of healthy veggies and fruit into her bowl but she won't hardly eat any of it:confused: I'm worried that she isn't getting enough to eat, and won't even touch her pellets. So far, she really will only eat mushy foods, like oatmeal & cheerios I've been soaking in water. All the mixed in sprouts and fruits/veggies end up on the floor. Is this something all birds go through that are adjusting to a new home? Or should I be bringing her in to get a checkup?

Her droppings are a healthy green, so that is reassuring. Any help guys?
Which species do you have? This bird may have been a seed junkie before. It is a long, tedious process to get them to eat new foods. Some never do. I think it is better to introduce one new food at a time. Pick something most birds like to eat such as chopped apple or small organic grapes. Too much variety in a bowl can cause a "food overload" at least that is what I call it. Also remember this is going to take a while. You can try feeding the bird at the table when you sit down to eat. A real bird lover will let the bird eat from their plate!! See if you can call the companies that make the better pellets like Roudybush and Harrisons and get some samples. Most avain vets have samples also.
She's a SI ekkie, about 4 years old. Her previous owners had her on PrettyBird Pellets, along with lots of veggies & fruit--at least that's what they say. Still, she tends to pick around her healthy foods & go straight for the mushy consistency. Sushi really likes mashed potatos apparently, so I may try to make mashed yams just plain & sneak in some zucchini as well.

UPDATE: SHE JUST ATE A BIT OF PEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And once she gets more comfortable with us, she'll be out at the table for sure:) We've been eating in her room the past couple nights & we always gave her some of what we're having.
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lmao i use to put pellets into nuts mash, she just licks it off an spits out the pellets lol

in fact when she is having a hissy fit, she will throw all her pellets out of her cage, this is normally because there is nothing good (what she thinks is good) put out lol

i have found she will eat pellets outside of her cage, as she can't be bothered to go into cage

and i only put a tiny amount in, just enough to cover bottom of dish lol
as for veggies well its a small selection lol
Well I'm not concerned about the pellets as much as the veggies. I would rather her eat a lot of fresh veggies & fruits instead of pellets, but she's just into the whole mushy food thing.
Could you possibly cook the pellets into a mush? Mix them in with some pureed veggies? I've never tried it with a bird but I had a friend who's children refused to eat anything but pancakes for over two years. She would mix pureed veggies into the pancake batter and get the kids to eat them that way.
I'm pureeing some peas and cauliflower now, hopefully she'll like that:) Also, I'm getting her a checkup at the vet just to make sure she's all healthy & to get her nails/beak/wings trimmed.
Sounds to me she is still settling in. Her droppings should not be green but a brown green is OK.

My eclectus get a shallow flat bowl for their fruit & veggie dish, yes some does end up on the tray but most gets eaten. They also get a very small amount of small parrot seed with pellets about a tablespoon of pellets on top.

Also try chopping up in little cubes sort of like the frozen carrots are cubed. Other than that try hanging pieces of fruit & veg on skewers ( metal ones you get from pet shops)

But truly i think she is just settling in to her new environment.
She's really enjoying the rice cake I put on top of the pureed veggies; not so much the veggies. Argggggin. I'll have to try something else. Would organic baby food be alright?

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