Sushi the budgie


New member
Jun 27, 2024
Hi everybody. New here, obviously.
Just got a budgie for my kids last week (for myself and my boyfriend really as we both had one as children).
It's adorable and slowly getting used to us.
It's still young and we're very curious about its gender. Its cere appears pink-ish/light blue.
I say female.
What do you think?
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My understanding is the cere isn't really a reliable gender marker until they reach sexual maturity. For females, the cere becomes deeper pink or even brown, and for males it's more of a blue, which is kind of funny and charming considering humans have arbitrarily decided pink means girl and blue means boy lol. Apparently budgies agree.

The reason age is important is that the hardening of the cere that happens to female budgies is caused by estrogen. I could certainly be wrong, but, if that is the case as I've been told, the only way to know for a juvenile would be DNA sexing
Welcome! What a beautiful little budgie 🥰. I agree that it’s just a little early to tell gender by cere. Color mutations can also affect cere color. Hopefully, you should be able to tell in another month or so. Thanks for sharing pictures of this lovely baby!
yes female
also.... I need more pictures......
Seriously MORE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is so cute a budgie
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Sushi's gotten used to us very quickly.


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