Surgery soon- birds stressing.


New member
Jun 18, 2007
Blue & Gold Macaw, Madison;
Yellow Naped Amazon, Rocky;
Timneh African Grey, Tyler
Hey guys..sorry to bug you all with this. No-one else understands.. they're just BIRDS, they say. lol.
I feel so bad, my poor babies are sensing my fears/worries since I only have 1 more day till the surgery. I'm trying to stay calm but theres nothing I can do. It's such an up in the air thing.. not knowing exactly how the doctors are going to get at my gall bladder. I swear I'm going to be the only living human with like, no internal organs left. Maybe I can get my own reality show??
I'm afraid I might have something wrong with my Pancreas as well. So this might be minor or really major surgery. I could be away from them in the hospital for a day or a week +.
I shouldn't try to go up and see them when I first get home either, as those steps are very painful and I don't like them to see me really upset. I hate having to leave them when they are clearly stressed.
Theres obviously a lot of tension in the house right now, I keep crying and flying off the handle because I'm so nervous.. just took something to calm down so things should ease up a bit.
Madison doesn't wanna be out of my sight, she is literally attached to my chest. lol. Thank god her nails are trimmed properly:) She knows I'm leaving, I'm sure.
Rocky is acting like a tough guy, not wanting to play and kind of just throwing junk around and muttering to himself like he's mad. He takes after me.. I like to break stuff too.
Tyler is fine because my boyfriend brought him over like 400 cardboard boxes. I gave him three and he made himself a fort by going in the biggest one and dragging the other two over to seal off the entrance. My sweet little hermit.. He's hanging out inside, chewing out some peek holes, lol.
I'm going to have my mom offer them a small cup of seed every day in the late afternoon that way they have an alternative if they decide not to eat the pellets because they are mad or something. They also receive some kind of fresh food for breakfast and dinner so I know they wont starve. I just feel so bad. I'm going to try my hardest to make some more wooden toys for when I'm gone but even standing up for a long period of time really hurts.
Sorry. I know you guys don't wanna hear my personal crap. Just hate doing this. When I leave for the day or go somewhere overnight they don't mind.. they must just sense this is something else.
Just like my little Jack Russell, Jerry, (Jerry-Sue when he's bad) who will follow me around until I leave for the hospital and give me sloppy kisses when I cry.. which usually makes me laugh and then cry more :D
I vented, I feel better. lol. Thanks!
Hey (((((Sarah))))),
Do not be sorry for venting!This is the right place to do so here!

Of course we are interested in your health above all,so please don't say that, it makes me feel sad!:(
It's normal that your pets feel your stress but you are the main point here!Please try to relax and get some sleep for tommorow...Your fids are gonna be fine, waiting for you to be back!

My thoughts are with you together with my best wishes for fast and full recovery!

I wish I could be nearer to offer help when you are away!
Sarah, if it makes you feel any better, Christy's mom had her gall bladder removed after it ruptured and almost killed her ... if the docs say it needs to come out, then get it out before it causes more damage ... good luck and we will be sending you all the GOOD MOJO/JUJU/THOUGHTS/PRAYERS/WARM FUZZIES you can handle ... We understand which is why we are all friends here!

Sarah, I'm sorry that you and your fids are stressing. I can only imagine how hard it must be to have to go through so many surgeries. I too am sending good thoughts and energy your way. :)
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Thanks guys, you made me cry! lol. I really appreciate it, you guys are all wonderful :) I am bringing lots of birdy pictures with me and I'm even bringing one of Madison's tail feathers. My surgeon's Personal Aide raises chickens and we always talk about that.. gonna tell him I hatched this weird blue chicken lol.
Don't worry Tex, I am definitely not going to delay this surgery. I go on Tuesday early in the morning. Just c'mon I'm getting sick of surgery. lol. I feel like I could do it myself by now.

Here is poor little Tyler the Hermit.. peeping out from his stress free box zone (I wish I had one of those)
Eh the link/image thing isn't working for me so heres the link:

Sarah, I can only try to imagine what your going through at the moment. Sending you and the fids loads of HUGS, I'm hoping that you are not in the hospital for too long. We will be thinking of you and you'll be missed. ((((((SARAH))))))
Amongst friends is where you need to be, Sarah dear. And, here you are! (And, we are all with you).

I cannot imagine what you have gone through thus far, much less what you are about to undergo. Like Tex says ... I'm sending good Mojo your way!!! (Be careful, he can bite!). LOL

Seriously, I am sending good mojo, juju, thoughts, prayers and hopes your way. And, your picture was just simply lovely!!!

God-speed and quick recovery! ((((((((Sarah)))))))))
Sarah, I hope everything goes well for you. Don't ever feel bad about posting here. We will pile on the encouragement/comedic relief/good thoughts/ whatever you need. Its amazing how animals seem to intuitively know whats going on. They are concerned for their mom! I'm sorry its so hard, but at least they aren't thrilled you are leaving :)
... Christy's mom had her gall bladder removed after it ruptured and almost killed her ...

Upon further review, and a discussion with Chirsty, it was her mom's spleen that she had removed ... :34::34: :34: Ooops, MY BAD!
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Well I was actually considering asking them to just take my Spleen out too.. seeing as it will be the last 'unnecessary' organ I have left in me after this. Aside from my brain.
Flyte, I am starting to get the feeling that you have been cut-open more and had more things removed than a pumpkin at Halloween! :46::46:

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