Sunfish in the Aquarium: Keeping Pumpkinseeds, Bluegills & their Relatives


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Hi All,
The world’s 30-35 freshwater sunfish species (Family Centrarchidae) range throughout Canada, the USA and Central America. Although popular among European aquarists, sunfishes have been largely been neglected in American aquaculture. This is a shame, as all are colorful, interesting and active, and most adjust well to aquarium life. From the tiny Black-Banded Sunfish to the 39 inch long Largemouth Bass, there is something for everyone. I’ve had the good fortune of working with a “sunnies” ranging from the tiny Black-Banded Sunfish to the massive Largemouth Bass, and would enjoy hearing from readers who have also come to know them, or wish to (please post below).
Read article here Sunfish Care - Keeping Pumpkinseeds, Bluegills and Their Relatives That Fish Blog
Thanks, Frank
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Illegal to keep in my state unless you can prove that they were legally purchased from someone with permits to sell them.

Otherwise, I would have a tankful.

As it is, I am obsessed with severums.
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Thanks...Severums are just as interesting, and similar in many ways; I've always favored them. Several fish hatcheries sell a variety of species, I haven't looked into inter-state sale restrictions, but some provide small quantities, various sizes, etc.

Good luck with your severums, Best, Frank
If you find pumpkin seeds that aren't outrageously priced that come with the proper paperwork, I would be very interested. It is my fondness for sunnies that led me to severums. My only complaint about the severums is that they eat crabs and snails and they can't really be kept in any sort of community tank set-up.

They get large enough to eat (NO! We don't eat them!) in a very short period of time. And in the fall, they get to eat any houseflies that we swat. They will actually take the flies from our hands if we don't drop them quickly enough. Pretty smart fish and very interesting. They are constantly digging up the take and nesting. Very tough fish.
I LOVE pumpkinseed sunfish, my FAVORITE fish. I live in Texas but ordered one from a vendor up north. I adored that fish and he had a dedicated tank just to him. I still have a picture of him hanging on my wall. Sadly, the fish was received with Lymphocystis. Because of strict QT, thankfully he did not share that with any of my existing collection. After a year, I put him out of his misery and I've been too scared to try again (shipping is more expensive than the relatively inexpensive fish). I envy you getting to keep them, but I've found people always want to keep what's not so commonly locally available. It's the allure of the different, I think. Thank you for the article. Maybe one day I'll try again.
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I LOVE pumpkinseed sunfish, my FAVORITE fish. I live in Texas but ordered one from a vendor up north. I adored that fish and he had a dedicated tank just to him. I still have a picture of him hanging on my wall. Sadly, the fish was received with Lymphocystis. Because of strict QT, thankfully he did not share that with any of my existing collection. After a year, I put him out of his misery and I've been too scared to try again (shipping is more expensive than the relatively inexpensive fish). I envy you getting to keep them, but I've found people always want to keep what's not so commonly locally available. It's the allure of the different, I think. Thank you for the article. Maybe one day I'll try again.


Pumpkinseeds first drew me to the group as well; fortunately, they are common here in NY. You have at least 6 very colorful, interesting species there in Texas (along with hybrids); all do well in aquariums. Check here for more info.

Best, Frank
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If you find pumpkin seeds that aren't outrageously priced that come with the proper paperwork, I would be very interested. It is my fondness for sunnies that led me to severums. My only complaint about the severums is that they eat crabs and snails and they can't really be kept in any sort of community tank set-up.

They get large enough to eat (NO! We don't eat them!) in a very short period of time. And in the fall, they get to eat any houseflies that we swat. They will actually take the flies from our hands if we don't drop them quickly enough. Pretty smart fish and very interesting. They are constantly digging up the take and nesting. Very tough fish.

I use wild-caught insects for cichlids, sun fish and others throughout the warmer months; always elicits a violent feeding response, more so than other foods. Zett's Fish hatchery is the oldest supplier I know of. They used to ship small quantities and would know the legalities involved; I've not checked their current list, Shipping is always expensive, unfortunately.

Best, Frank

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