Sun Conure & Quaker parrot cage buddies?


New member
Feb 27, 2014
Queensland, Australia
Sun conure "Rocky"
I am on the move for another feathered friend.
I currently have a male sun conure rocky he is about 2 he is adorable & very well behaved
I am considering getting a Quaker as a second bird.
Q1 does anyone have these birds in the same cage?
Q2 am I best off getting a male or female Quaker
I don't want them to breed and I also don't want to have 2 males if they are more likely to be aggressive.

I know that there is the chance that these birds won't get along and they may have to be caged separate but ideally I would like them together

Thanks mucky
I would definitely start out caging them separately.

They may not get along and they can hurt or even kill each other. Be prepared that they may never be able to live in the same cage.

I can't help with gender preferences but definitely separate cages!!!!
Separate cages for sure. It is always a bad ideal to house different species together.
I don't have a sun conure, but I do have a male and a female quaker. My female is far more aggressive than my male but that may be due to her background and have nothing to do with gender. Both birds respond well to training, both talk, the female has a much bigger vocabulary. My male is friendlier and has a sweeter personality.

My male quaker and my female cockatiel are very good friends, they stay close to each other while outside their cages, but I never allow them in the same cage together. Quakers tend to be a little cage territorial, training can improve this behavior, but I wouldn't ask a quaker to share his or her cage. A bird's cage is their safe place to eat, sleep, play and hang out when they want a little privacy.

I would be very cautious with a sun conure and a quaker, they could cause a lot of damage to each other, or worse. Just my personal opinion.
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Yes I understand normal procedure of introducing a bird just not sure wether after the introduct period wether they would want to be in the same cage.

My other throught process what's to get another sun conure to house together eventually but my concern would be come mating season I have heard things can get nasty towards the human but I guess this is just case to case
Definitely would not cage together. Even if you get another sun conure they may not be able to be caged together. That's how I ended up with my SC Cisco...his previous owner wanted a "friend" for their female SC but they didn't get along (even in separate cages). It seems none of their 4 birds liked Cisco...poor little Cisco...he's so

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