Sun Conure Grumbles/Groans. What do they mean?


New member
Mar 3, 2017
Skye, Cloud, Beep, Lilac - American budgies
Ello! For anyone seeing my last post me and sammy are doing much better. I'm with him pretty much every second I'm home, except when I'm sleeping:) I've improvised and found some activities he likes - like Throw the Bottle, or just simply playing around on my bed with me.

But my question is more just curiosity. Sammy, and I'm sure all sun conures, makes this grumbly low tone noise from time to time. He often does a long, drawn out grumble for when we are rough housing mixed in with high pitched squeaks. At any given time he also does this mumbly whisper sound that oddly enough he often does inside his hut.

Anyone know the meaning to these grumbles? His body language and when he does it gives me some clues, but I'm just curious to see if these have a certain meaning.

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Side note - keep a very close eye on the condition of Sammy's hut. Any sign he is chewing or otherwise worrying the fabric, it should be tossed . We had a members parrot die from ingesting the little fibers coming off one. Glad you and Sammy are having more fun together.
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Side note - keep a very close eye on the condition of Sammy's hut. Any sign he is chewing or otherwise worrying the fabric, it should be tossed . We had a members parrot die from ingesting the little fibers coming off one. Glad you and Sammy are having more fun together.
Oh, absolutely. I'm grateful he's not a shredder at all or anything. But I do watch it like a hawk. All those stories are so sad...

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If I'm guessing the sound right... mine does something like that when she beats the living daylights out of her toys. It's a playful sound, possibly a little aggressive, but it reminds me of how dogs growl when they're having a good game. I've always assumed it was much the same ^^ I do try to be careful about touching her when she's like that because I figure she might be just a bit over-stimulated but thus far I have not been bitten when she was like that.
Clark almost always grunts, quietly. I just thought he was imitating me... speaking 40yo male grunts.
Ollie does a low groan type of growl thing is I pet him while he is eating. He is not ever defensive or pinning his eyes, I am guessing it is because he's annoyed I am disrupting his meal lol.
Glad to hear you and Sammy are doing better!!

Some of my birds make a noise when grooming. Sort of a wheezing/squeaking noise. Wonder if it is air-noises from their lungs while contorted in bizarre positions?
if it's a grr grr grr noise, it means he kinda sorta wants attention. if it's a GRR GRR he want's to wrestle, if it's a Ruff rufff ruff, it means I want to cuddle, if it's a uh-huh type noise that means he's imitating you which means...more attention....

Thats as much conure as I have learned so almost two years

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