sun conure flying behaviors


New member
Nov 26, 2012
Knuckles: Sun conure with messed up foot

Sarge AKA turd burd: senegal parrot
My one sun conure is flighted. The reason is because he has problems with his legs and since his transportation is handicapped anyway we decided to keep his wings intact. What I'm wondering is that he has a tendency to fly erratically, as in diving and weaving around, kind of flying like a bat. He doesn't hit things and only flies like this when he's downstairs. Is this some sort of sickness or is this just the way he is? All help appreciated.
When my sun was learning to fly, he used to duck and weave, seemingly unsure of his navigation skills. How long has your bird flying?

That said, I'm sure their legs and feet play a big part in balancing their bodies while in flight. Could be wrong though. Good on you for giving him another method to get around. May I ask what happened to his feet?
Took a while for my sun to get aiming just right. When he would fly over to someone there was a goo chance of him colliding with their head.

Once he flew over to my girlfriend and managed to land on her shoulder without colliding. She mentioned how he didn't hit her in the head and when she did he tapped her on the side of her head and laughed. (the stinker)
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I just realized he only flies erratically when it's night time and he hasn't been out in awhile. I guess he's just excited to be out and getting rid of his pent up energy. He's been flying since we got him but he recently just got his flying feathers back. When he was a baby his leg bracelet got tangled and pretty much ginked up his leg. This all happen before we got him and he's pretty much a rescue. When we got him his wing feathers were pretty much butchered, it's like they cut out the middle of the poor guys wings!
Charlie doesn't fly erratically, but I wish he would! He'd probably lose some weight if he did! lol

Jayde is currently clipped, so I don't know how she flies (yet).

I recommend checking out this channel on Youtube and watch the videos!!!
flychomperfly's channel - YouTube

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