sun conure and GCC together


New member
Jan 30, 2013
Male Pacific Parrotlet (Chuey), Female Canary Wing
Parakeet (Sweetie), and my mother's bird: Male Canary
Wing Parakeet (Petey)
I was just curious to know if I can have a sun conure and a green cheek conure in the same cage if they are both still babies. Both birds would be brought home on the very same day, which means both would be in a new environment at the same time so there sould not be any territorial issues yet. I would love to know if anyone has gone through this before with their own birds.
Everybody who is interested in having two birds, of different species, always inquire if they can be caged together. In some cases, they can cohabitate together, but they will have to make that decision, on their own, after they have been introduced to each other. Forcing birds to live in the same cage sometime will cause birds to fight, injure themselves or worse.....
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Thanks weco,

The reason I asked is because I am getting a sun conure next month but I also fell in love with a sweet GCC from the same breeder. However, I do not have the space for another cage. I will probably just go with the sun conure being that its a huge risk I don't want to take.
If you want to get both species, I highly recommend making sure they are the same sex, since the two can hybridize, and offspring from this pairing are known for having birth defects, high chick mortality rates, and who knows what else. Some may even die at a young age from cancer.

It is possible to house them together, but there will always be concerns and potential dangers.
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It is possible to house them together, but there will always be concerns and potential dangers.

I completely agree with you Monica. That's why I made the decision to just go with the sun conure. As much as I love that sweet GCC, I just don't want to take that huge risk.

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