Sun Behavior


New member
May 17, 2015
Southern California
SassyByrd (DYH Amazon) JoJo (GCC) Betty (GCC) DEARLY LOVED fids lost to “Teflon Disaster� 12/17 RIP Pickles (GC),RIP Winston (Sun), RIP Lady PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES &TOSS OUT ALL YOUR TEFLON NOW!
WHY (biologically or geographically) are Suns the way they are? They seem to be goofier, louder and more expressive than some of the other conures. I often wonder this and can't really find an explanation.
Well, suns are native to northeaster South America. They are also members of the Aratinga species which are known to be louder than the Pyrrhura species (green cheek).

As for goofy and expressive - welcome to the world of sunnies. It doesn't let up. They are very curious and mischievous by nature. I don't know why, but they are. People often refer to suns as the "puppies" of the parrot world. They are very playful and social. Most suns like nothing better than being with their chosen person.
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As for goofy and expressive - welcome to the world of sunnies. It doesn't let up. They are very curious and mischievous by nature. I don't know why, but they are. People often refer to suns as the "puppies" of the parrot world. They are very playful and social. Most suns like nothing better than being with their chosen person.

But why? What biologically makes them like this? I am just so curious as to what made them such big GOOFS. I can't imagine my babies in the wild, but they are wild, technically.
I wish I knew. I've had Skittles for over four years and the level of his intelligence still amazes me.

All I can say is I imagine it's similar to humans. Some people are blessed with beauty and brains. Some are just, well - you get the jist.

Personally, I think it's because of their coloring. Given how they need to be defensive in the wild, it would seem to me they'd need to be very active, creative and intelligent.

But I don't think anyone knows for sure. Or ever will. You'd drive yourself nuts just trying to figure that out. I just enjoy the happiness that Skittles brings me.

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