Suggestions on what Species to Get?


New member
Sep 17, 2024
none atm, formerly had caiques, green cheeks, and princess of whales parrots
Hello! I'm interested in getting a parrot again in the future. I have experience keeping parrots and interacting with parrots of all sizes. I currently don't have any birds but plan on getting one in the coming couple of years.
Obviously I'm doing research on my own, but I also really appreciate hearing from other parrot lovers.

* Family-friendly: not a one-person bird
* Cuddly/affectionate
* Talking abilities preferred (yes I fully understand this varies from individual to individual and there's no guarantee, it's just a quality I really enjoy)
* Preferable medium-sized or larger
* Able to handle being home alone for 6 hours a day when I am at work

I am willing to dedicate time to training and allocate considerable resources to the housing, enrichment, and safety of my bird. I have almost a decade of parrot-keeping experience.

I'm curious to see what species get suggested and I deeply appreciate your time!
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Welcome to the Forums! I think it's great that you're doing your research ahead of time, and there's lots of info to be had here. Sa you have previous parrot experience, I guess the first question is... What species speaks to you? Doesn't necessarily mean that's the only option, but might give you a direction. Me personally, I'm a fan of rescues. Sooooo many wonderful birds out there who deserve a loving forever home, and so often end up being rehomed due to no fault of their own.

That said, are there any rescue organizations near you? Perhaps you could volunteer at one and spend time with the birds and really get to know them. Or at least visit and meet them. If you're lucky enough to be chosen by one (or more ;) ) it helps a ton. They're so much better at choosing their human than we are of them. Since you sound like you have a pretty open mind, you might find something that wasn't even on the radar. Yeah, it happened to me, several times in fact. That's how I found my first ekkie, who sadly had long term health issues and passed way too soon. Then my second ekkie, and while I was visiting him, my YNA, who chose me from afar. Love at first sight ❤️ And then of course, my grey. One of my bucket list birds, but never met the right one. He came out of nowhere at 50ish years old when his owner passed , and the wife was finally moved to a nursing home. He had been cage bound in a very small cage for at least the previous 15 years. Friend of a friend situation, and I got the call. When I met him, he came right to me, and I just knew. The rest as they say, is history.

Anyway, I'm kind of curious what species you have in mind, and folks with experience can give their thoughts on each one. My take...

My ekkie is by far the most social with pretty much everyone. I understand he's kind of exceptional in that regard. He loves to snuggle, but he's an ekkie, so pets on the head are pretty strictly front to back only. They generally hate when you mess with "the do." He's the loudest bird I've had. He can speak, but prefers whistles and sound effects to words. His contact call is excruciating, but it's him being him, and trying to get my attention. Most common when I walk past him without stopping to acknowledge him.

My YNA loves me. Only me, unless I go away for a week, and then she's okay with my older son, who is the source of food while I'm gone. For me, she lives for head scratches and wants to snuggle up close. Before she found me, she hated almost everyone, with the exception of a select few women with short hair. Men were a solid NO. After more than a year, she was considered likely unadoptable. Yes, I'm male, and she decided I was the one from across a large room with about 75 birds there. At first meeting, she put her head down for scratches, and the owner of the refuge was shocked. Once I gave in and brought her home, she's been my love bug ever since. This is the girl who sent a volunteer to the ER with an unintended lip piercing. We don't do beakie kisses like my ekkie and grey! Speech wise, she's hysterical with different voices, and the best part - she obviously lived in the previous owner's bedroom, and clearly, they were, ummmm, active. And vocal. Yeah, she screams out like she's in the throws of passion, for a G-rated term. 🤣 I wish I was making that up!

My grey... is a plucker. Has been all his life, so I accept him for who he is, and he's beautiful. My friend who contacted me about him has known him all his life. She took care of him when the owners (next door neighbors for 50+ years) took vacation, and she never knew he had a red tail, which he does have now. :) He's the quietest of my three. He speaks about as much as my ekkie, but his sound effects are absolutely incredible, and even at his age, he learns new ones all the time. He's not fond of being touched, except some head scratch/preening, only on his terms. He prefers my arm to my hand, but still fine with the hand. He really doesn't care to be on my shoulder, and I have no idea why. 🤷

They're all such individuals, if you have the option to meet and get to know them, it may make your choice for you.

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