Suggestions on how to get Roxy to play with her toys more?


New member
Mar 9, 2011
New Jersey
Female Eclectus-"Roxy"
I have a variety of different toys in her cage and on her tree, from shredding to wood to acrylic "figure it out" toys. She will chew on one little piece of each toy and then hardly touch it again. I have tried to hide treats in her toys, but she usually just finds and eats the treat and that's it. I know females eclectus are known for just sitting around, but it bothers me that she just sits around when I'm not there. (No evidence of toy shredding or chewing found on the floor of the cage when I come back.)
Probably it's that she just has a more discerning taste than you do, but has not figured out how to properly communicate it to you without hurting your feelings..... :)
I had this same concern with my little girl. Turns out some birds have to be taught what toys are for! So for a couple days, we had toy time every evening where I'd sit with her and pretend to nibble one of her toys, waggle it in front of her face, etc. Whenever she beaked it, lots of praise! Good bird!!

After a couple days, I started coming home to little bits of toys bitten off :)

The real game changer, however, was getting this toy, which is apparently the most popular parrot toy. No wonder! It's super fun to destroy. My non-destructive bird absolutely murders these things and has a blast doing it. Get one and see how it goes!

Bird Kabob!

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