Suggested toys for a Military Macaw?


New member
Nov 10, 2015
Copala,Sinaloa, Mexico
1 baby peach front conure, named Jackie.
in about 2 weeks, we will be getting a Military Macaw, (NOT an Amazon!!!! LOL) into our home and family...when we went to see her, she had nothing in her cage to play with, just a perch.....I don't think she is mistreated, becasue she is gentle with the owner, and would eat out of his hand, but not all people spoil their animals like I do....but I have been reading they need toys to keep them from getting bored and to stimulate their minds, so I want to have some toys for her....we are heading to the US next week, and I will ck. Petco for parrot toys...Can any one give me some suggestions on what is best for an Amazon? What I need to look for, and what NOT to buy.....thanks in advance.
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At least two wood toys, preferably the reloadable type.

Something with a pipe bell on it is usually appreciated.

My red lored likes toys where she can untie knots, and take foot toys off.

All three of mine have boings, and really like them.

Chains. (And you can do your own toys with those just by stringing wood blocks on sissal rope, through the chain.)

Multiple natural wood perches as well. Those Chola cactus perches are good, and a couple of manzanita type perches as well.

My Panama amazon, frankly, has never seen a toy she didn't like. She'll play with anything you put in front of her. Those baby keys, the kind they give babies to teath on, you can find at the dollar store. She LOVES those.
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Uppps, NO, wrote on the wrong one!!! LOL, that was before coffee, just the Military Macaw!!!!!! Have no earthly idea why I said Amazon!!!! LOL
LMAO! No worries, Billie, I'll move your thread over to the macaw section. :)

If you have an address where you'll be staying in the US, check out They have a phenomenal selection of toys for big macs. They ship world wide, but if you order over a certain amount, shipping within the US is free. And since your future girl has no toys at the moment, I can easily see you spending a tad bit. :54:
I fixed your title, too.

Here are some specific ideas for you:

PT300 Stainless Steel Bell Large - STAINLESS STEEL (this particular one is currently out of stock. The smaller ones are IN stock)

PT197 Stainless Steel Foraging Cage Large - STAINLESS STEEL

PP41214 Planet Pleasures Pagoda Large - LARGE BIRD TOYS

PV62473 Monster Mash Bodacious Bites by Prevue Hendryx - LARGE BIRD TOYS

Also, if you sign up to their mailing list, they keep you up to date on specials and coupons.

There is also My Bird Store - Discount Exotic Bird Supplies -

Have fun shopping. :D
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we will be staying in a motel in Laredo Tex, only for about 2 to 3 nights.....just long enough to get our motorcycle out of storage and get the paperwork done to import it into Mexico....but I will go look at the site, and bookmark, for when we are either in the US longer, or I can order and have one of the kids bring down when they come for a visit. Thanks for the info.....
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thank you, I went to that site....I can see I will be getting a lot.....she will be spoiled, for husband just said, he really feels sorry for her, becasue she doesn't have ANYTHING.....
I make toys for Bonny, chop up 2x4's and reload onto chains for her to wood chipper through. Plastic links, and chains are good ideas, can't be easily destroyed and the Bonny loves the bright colors. I will have to pick up some of the toys suggested in in this thread, some good ones. My hardest problem is finding stuff that Bonny will not just much through in a few minutes.

Another good place to order toys

If that is her cage in the photo's I highly recommend getting a larger cage.
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Hi Wendy, just to thank you for finding and suggesting the Exotic Birds in Laredo Tx....we went and looked around and they were very helpful, and we will go back....before leaving, it is with-in walking distance of the hotel....I need to get metal feeding dishes....and they had a nice array of big bird toys.....they had many babies, all still being hand fed, and just love to be loved really made my husband look forward to what we will have, although I know ours is not nearly as tame....he is even now looking forward to making toys for her. Since we live where there are load of coconuts, and the shells, he saw some clever ideas for toy making!!!! And cages, now he is also saying we will eventually get a different and larger cage!!!!! LOL

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