Sudden discoloration


New member
Sep 2, 2023
Fischer's lovebird
Hey yall, recently I've noticed that my love bird (mango) has a sudden change in the feathers on the tips of her wings (her elbows I think) and I'm worried if it's because of her diet, she still doenst eat fresh foods, and is very picky when eating, currently she's on an all seed diet. I've tried making puree, pellets, dried, but she's very much against it all.
I'm also thinking it may have to do with her sleeping, I bought her a small wooden house, which she crawls in to sleep in every night, one thing is that I belive it's too small for her, I think maybe the friction on her wings is possible rubbing off her feathers. I've tried changing it out before since it's all chewd up, but she'd rather sleep on her perches than sleep in a house that isn't that one.
Ill attach some photos and if more is needed I can provide more.
Thank you all.
With concern mango and I IMG_20231103_091840.jpg
Has she been to the vet? My avian vet mentioned that feather discoloration can be a sign of fatty liver, which might be possible on a seed diet.
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Has she been to the vet? My avian vet mentioned that feather discoloration can be a sign of fatty liver, which might be possible on a seed diet.
I haven't taken her to the vet yet, and yes I also fear it may be because of her diet, but I will be taking her this weekend since there's isn't a vet in the town I live in😔

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