'Sucking her thumb'


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Cory: Short billed Corella -
Echo: Galah -
Max: Alexandrine -
Skye: Yellow Sided conure -
Luka: Green Cheek Conure -
RIP Shrek: Quaker
Squirt is now 4 months old, and she's got the strangest habit of holding on to my little finger or my ear, then putting one of her feet around her neck... She then closes her eyes and is as content as can be...

She reminds me of a baby sucking her thumb and nuzzling a blanket...

She has done this right from when I pulled her from the nest at 2 weeks old.... Her oldest sibling died, because the parents had stopped feeding them. Squirt lost weight the first 2 days, but then picked up...
How cute. What kind of bird is Squirt:)
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She's a pineapple green cheek... Offspring from Sky and Luka...

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