Subscribe to a thread without posting?


New member
Jun 3, 2012
Charlie - Galah
Say, if someone asks a question i am also interested in finding an answer to, or if its one of those threads with pictures/facts that people keep adding to - is there a way to subscribe to a thread without posting in it. I just feel bad making worthless comments so that i can get the notifications?

lol im probably too paranoid about what you think of me and my silly comments :p

*edit - i dont want to come off as some creepy stalker member, but sometimes i just have nothing constructive to add to an interesting thread XP
Actually, there is a way without posting. I've done it myself! When you are looking at the thread, at the top of the thread is "Thread Tools". This shows a printable version of the thread as well as subscribing to it. You can choose your subscription style and submit.

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