Strange dinner for me and the bird


New member
May 5, 2012
North Carolina
Senegal Male Bogart
So was driving and saw a Long John Silvers and just got a craving so got 2 pieces of fish and 4 shrimp and 2 hush puppies I offered Borgart some of the hush puppies and he really enjoyed them but it was when he started to scarf the fish I was amazed he really went to town he even ate some of the shrimp not just tasted it but ate it. Never had I offered him fish before but he really seemed to like it and not just the batter off of it (like he does on the chicken Mcnuggets) I know not healthy for either of us but we eat right most of the time I was just shocked about the fish has anyone else had their fids eat fish?
What are hush puppies?

Parrots like meat! Before I stopped eating meat, Puck liked to pick the bacon out of my cobb salads...
my quaker parrot likes fish and shrimp both. my redbellied parrot has tried shrimp and liked it.:D
ChiChi loves corn nuggets!! Only us southerners know what those are! Lol
I was raised on the coast of Texas, all our birds LOVE seafood, we just don't give them the fried stuff. Steam some crab legs and run fer yer life though!!! LOL
Mishka is a fussy fish eater, he only eats Hake, and it must be boiled
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Ant.........Boiled :eek::11::(????? I've fried, baked, BBQed, sauteed fish before, I guess its the Texan in me, that just sounds wrong :p
Ant.........Boiled :eek::11::(????? I've fried, baked, BBQed, sauteed fish before, I guess its the Texan in me, that just sounds wrong :p

I believe Mishka is a health fanatic

When frying our hake, he refused to eat it. One day I boiled a small piece (in the microwave, with a tiny bit of water) and he loved it.
Ant, I feel the need to corrupt your evil ways and send you real TEXAN recipes!! :p :D

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