Story Time #2


Dec 29, 2017
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Tango(Jenday Conure)
Comet(pineapple GCC)
Maverick(pattagonian conure)
Hermin(Dusky Conure)
Ethan(Senegal Parrot)
Blue(Indian Ringneck-Rest in peace)
I guess I’ll make this a thing since i visit bird stores a little too often and have some experiences or spot some things that shouldn’t be done towards birds. This post will involve two stories

1.) Today I visited the store known as Omars Exotic Birds, I don’t know if anyone has heard of this place but today there was a Scarlet Macaw that was getting a little nippy with the cashier. The cashier picked the Macaw up because he was hanging from one of the circular stands they have bolted to the ceiling and I guess the Macaw had bit down, my boyfriend who was with me swore he saw the cashier smack the Macaw. Although what I did notice was the cashier coraling the Macaw into the baby bird room and stomping his feet around the bird and yelling at him. I didn’t really know how to react with that scenario although my boyfriend got a little angry.

2.) That Cockatoo at the pet store that was boarded by its owners has officially been there for more than two months. That cockatoo has been boarding since October 18,2017 till today with no toys whatsoever. I went in on Sunday to visit the bird an he immediately shouted “Hi” at me and grabbed my shirt through the bars of his cage. I was standing there interacting with him and noticed he is missing more feathers and he started pulling some out while I was watching and he started bleeding. I bought him toys and I asked the owner of the store for the phone number of the bird’s owners and I texted them and left voicemails concerning their bird. The owner of the store had said he would take action against the bird owners but has done nothing. I honestly think animal services should get involved. The owners never come in to visit their bird and never call to check on him or anything, they dont even answer the store owner’s calls.
Yeah, I heard of Omar's. In the 2017 BirdTalk magazine ( only issue for 2017), in the advert section.
I mean its a nice store and everything but just witnessing the way the Cashier handled the Macaw has kinda made it hard for me to go there and look at the poor Macaw.
You can tell the owner or manager. If I was owner/manager I would sure want to know. If the owner is out of town or hands off, they might not know about the 'too's situation either.
You can tell the owner or manager. If I was owner/manager I would sure want to know. If the owner is out of town or hands off, they might not know about the 'too's situation either.

The Cockatoo got taken home today by a relative of its owners. That was some good news but yeah I was thinking about calling the manager at Omars today till I figured out the cashier who smacked the Macaw was also the manager and he has birds of his own

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