Stop locking threads

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New member
Dec 24, 2006
Lock it?
No way man.
Its just getting interesting.
Question,...If Meghan hits Christy, will Tex just hold the bags, or join in on the kicking? If Christy gets the better Meghan without hair pulling, Is Meghan justified in using her comb as a dagger?
When the women start wrestling in the street, is it ok to get aroused?
Sorry Tex, i was having too much fun stirring the pot.
I agree, Red. I think it's lame to lock threads. And even more lame to DELETE posts. *caugh* Jason *caugh*
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Stop agreeing with me. It makes me nervous.

How am I supposed to stir the pot and get you women swinging at each other if your all so damned civilised with each other? I have gone off my nut in the past when people have deleted my posts, but really this is a non issue. Its just a bunch of people who all wanna have the last word, and I just wanna see women wrestling in public. If you call me at home Meghan, I will you what christy said behind your back, and I will pop over for coffee later Christy and let you know what Meghan said about your hair do.
LOL 15 year old VS. 30 year old.... hmm i wonder who will win.

but really i don't have problem with Christy. Though i'm sure she won't the say the same about me after what happened.
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Ahhh you worry too much.
Christy has other things to think about and you care too much about being right all the time.
Your like a dog with a bone,...I like it.
I agree, Red. I think it's lame to lock threads. And even more lame to DELETE posts. *caugh* Jason *caugh*

Meghan, for someone who was griping about homeschoolers ... um, "caugh" is really "cough".

Now, as far as locking threads and deleting posts ... let's not beat a dead horse. Let it go. K?

Guys please stop...This makes me sad and stressed, and I start school in 2 days and I have a screaming parrot still and I can't be sad and stressed right now, k? Thanks. You're my second family, no more arguing.

Love always,
Lindsey :D :40:
Ahhh you worry too much.
Christy has other things to think about and you care too much about being right all the time.
Your like a dog with a bone,...I like it.

HEY! i do not worrey. Do you think i care what a 30 year old woman in new hamshire thinks about me?
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Meghan, I think you just like having the last word.
If I am wrong, will be able to leave this post of mine unreplied -to.
Can you do it?
Prove me wrong girl, prove me wrong.
Just a quick question, why did you start this thread, was it really to start a arguement or was it a joke?
As for Homeschool, homeschool Rocks. I was homeschooled. And I think I turned out ok.
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I started this thread to stir the pot and keep it bubbling away.
So far so good.
Chewy, Red stirs the pot whenever the chance arises; it is his forte. Meghan, on the otherhand is fishing. Don't take the bait.
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