Stinky Poop


New member
Mar 19, 2012
My Blue Crowned Conure has had stinky poop for the last few days. He appears healthy otherwise, but boy does his poop stink. He has been eating a lot more hard boiled egg than he normally gets. Normally I scramble eggs for the birds, but the kids have been having hard boiled eggs and he is getting some too. Do you think this could be causing him to be so stinky? I have never noticed stinky poop before!
stinky poop usually means your bird's sick. maybe take him to the vet just in case?
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Thanks for the reply. I did finally call my vet at home and he said that it could be from the egg he has been eating. I will be keeping an eye on him and will take him in if he seems ill in any way. Thanks
Think beer & hard boiled eggs.....if his presentations look OK & everything else looks normal, try holding off on the eggs for a while. Since birds are almost like clockwork, their system will be cleaned & refreshed within 8 hours, so if you stop the eggs at say 2:00pm, you should lose the odor by the morning's large offering, or by lunch time, if it was the eggs.....

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