Spoon feeding formula question Eclectus


New member
Oct 7, 2016
Hello I have a quick question for this forum:

My four and a half month old femals SI Eclectus is still eating formula at night. I couldn't really tell you a spoonful amount but I check her crop and decide when shes done on that. She almost seems to take a few bites and then gets almost aggressive at the spoon trying to get the formula out of the spoon. I believe im giving her enough and cutting her off well because if i don't she will literally eat until her crop is packed. I just don't think that seems healthy but if I'm wrong please let me know. I have read about people formula feeding at night for any different amount of time but they say its also more of a comfort thing. Im basically wondering what signs to look for so that i can start weaning her off the right way and somehow don't mess it up.

Thank you thank you in advance i appreciate you dealing with my craziness and love how much everyone loves their own feather companions here 🙂
Hello I have a quick question for this forum:

My four and a half month old femals SI Eclectus is still eating formula at night. I couldn't really tell you a spoonful amount but I check her crop and decide when shes done on that. She almost seems to take a few bites and then gets almost aggressive at the spoon trying to get the formula out of the spoon. I believe im giving her enough and cutting her off well because if i don't she will literally eat until her crop is packed. I just don't think that seems healthy but if I'm wrong please let me know. I have read about people formula feeding at night for any different amount of time but they say its also more of a comfort thing. Im basically wondering what signs to look for so that i can start weaning her off the right way and somehow don't mess it up.

Thank you thank you in advance i appreciate you dealing with my craziness and love how much everyone loves their own feather companions here 🙂

I am not an expert on Eclectus' but it seems that at 4.5 months your baby should be very near, if not fully weaned by this point. If that is correct, your baby is just begging.

Why are you weaning a baby anyways? Common practice is that the baby is 'fully' weaned before it leaves the Breeder. Weaning does not improve the bond, if anything, it could result in the Baby rejecting you (the mother figure) for their life mate.
Hello I have a quick question for this forum:

My four and a half month old femals SI Eclectus is still eating formula at night. I couldn't really tell you a spoonful amount but I check her crop and decide when shes done on that. She almost seems to take a few bites and then gets almost aggressive at the spoon trying to get the formula out of the spoon. I believe im giving her enough and cutting her off well because if i don't she will literally eat until her crop is packed. I just don't think that seems healthy but if I'm wrong please let me know. I have read about people formula feeding at night for any different amount of time but they say its also more of a comfort thing. Im basically wondering what signs to look for so that i can start weaning her off the right way and somehow don't mess it up.

Thank you thank you in advance i appreciate you dealing with my craziness and love how much everyone loves their own feather companions here 🙂

If I'm following you correctly, here, it seems as though Octavia is down to one comfort feeding at night. What is her diet otherwise? If she's eating a healthy variety of fresh foods and such, then you need only allow her to let you know when she's ready to move on from formula feeding. With such abundance weaning, though, sometimes they can take up to 7 months to finally fully wean.

I can't speak as to the amount that should be in the crop to indicate that she's done feeding, however, as I've never weaned a parrot. I do believe there is a certain guideline people follow that takes into account both age and current weight, but I'll let someone more experienced with hand-feeding speak on that.

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