

New member
Nov 17, 2011
Eclectus Female - Audrey.
Art - Budgie.
Astro - Budgie.
Mini - Budgie, RIP gorgeous girl.
In the last two or so weeks Audrey has been acting very strange. Like she's had a spook or something. She's generally scared of things she doesn't see a lot, or shiny things, but lately if I've been walking over to her holding something in my hand she freaks out and flies all around the room and pants and carries on.. And I've had some visitors as well that she used to know and like! (My sister being one, who has house sat for me on various occasions) and they can't get near her without her having a panic attack. She just flies away, flies into things, pants like she's having a heart attack. I don't know whats wrong :( Today when I got her harness out to take her outside, she was terrified of it. She never has been, and has always tolerated the harness quite well, and it was such an effort to get it on her that I felt cruel putting it on her. But she needs her sun. :( Does anyone have any similar stories or any suggestions to help with this? I have no idea whats done this to her. :( But she did have a major freak out a few weeks ago where she was looking out the window and a man walked past and she started screaming louder then I've ever heard, flying around and around and it took me ages to settle her. It was strange because people walk past the window all the time, but that one person scared her so much. And I saw him walk by, he was just a regular man and he didn't look at her or wasn't holding anything that might of scared her. :( I'm worried about her behavior.
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She is almost 2 and I've had her since she was 12 weeks old.
She is almost 2 and I've had her since she was 12 weeks old.

Hmmmm maybe it's a hormonal thing. I know about a guy who has a cape parrot roughly same age that one day out of the blue became afraid of everything. Even his harness.

If everything else is normal, eating drinking, droppings, etc. when was the last time she was at the vet for a check up? For now you can help her minimize her fear by maybe closing the blind right now as she is going through this. And when people are over they are to be calm around her. Use a soft voice and a gentle touch, help her to get through it. I'm no expert, but this is what I would do in your situation.
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I don't think she will get hormonal until around 2 and a half to three years but I'm not sure. I do close te blinds but she just looks through them anyway so that's kinda pointless haha. And the people who have been around her are calm and they are bird people so they are always confident and Audrey has always been so happy around them in the past :( It's really strange. I really hope it's not hormones because it will make things like vet checks a lot harder. She is due for another vet visit in August unless a health problem arises of course.
Well if she is due for a vet check next month, and this is really concerning you, why wait. Atleast you can have piece of mind knowing its not a health problem. I don't know much about when eclectus mature, so I was just throwing it out there as a possibility. Something is obviously disturbing her or os making her more senesitive. Did you hang a new picture, change furniture, move her cage, anything you can think of that could/would cause a change in behavior? Or it could be that she is maturing.
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It's because I can't afford a vet visit at this point in time unless its an emergency otherwise I wouldn't wait :(

She is moulting right now, do you think that could be it? She has never had any kind of behavioural change when moulting before
She could have seen something out the window that scared her. Mine started freaking out like that one day and I couldn't figure it out, until I saw what she saw....a hawk outside the window eating another bird. It took a few hours for her to calm down, and she was skittish for the rest of the day. Each bird reacts different. A hard moult can make them act weird also.
Oh no...what is going on with Audrey? That doesn't sound like her at all. :(

Hopefully Kathie (Sodakat) will chime in. She knows Eclectus like no other.

HUGS, Casey!!!!!
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Thank you for the replies everyone! I know the man she saw really scared her for some reason but if that was it, I would think she would be over it by now. :( It was probably 3-4 weeks ago and she still loves to sit at the window and look outside, so I would think if it was that she would be afraid to sit at the window. :( It could be the moult though making her act out, when I was playing with her the other day she let out a very unhappy grunt which she has never done with me before so she may be extra sensitive :( Poor audrey girl! I would take her to the vet to ask, but yeah as I said before I can't afford it, I've been out of work and looking and we are only on one wage so its been quite hard to cover all the house costs.
I have no idea honestly and am not convinced this is Eclectus specific behavior. Being startled at the window could be a one time event and not related to the other behavior.

If she doesn't feel well she may not want to interact with other people. I would gently examine all of her and see if she reacts to touch on any particular spot. Also pay attention to her poop because if it is "off" then a vet visit is indicated.

Non-medical reasons *could* be as simple as her starting to get to the age where she can zone out for periods of time and she doesn't want to be interrupted. This is a real stretch on my part even suggesting that though. Generally pet Eclectus are very interested in doing things with their owners, regardless what they were doing before the owner approached. The time this would be different is if the hen were sitting somewhere she perceived as a nest (under furniture, etc).

You know her best. If you think something is wrong, it probably is the case.
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Thank you for the reply! I am not sure it's health related as poops are fine, eating is great, still as active as ever and also super stalker-ish and still chases me around the house everywhere I go lol! So she still wants to be around me all the time, it's just so strange that other people suddenly terrify her, and things she is usually ok with like the harness. :/ It's a tough one to understand, I know she is being more of a scardy cat then usual though! She has always been scared of new things, but yeah it's realllly over the top now lol, like yesterday I walked over to her with a mascara tube in my hand (and its pretty small and you can hardly see it) but she saw it there and started flying all around the house freaking out until I put it down :/
^^she was telling you she doesn't need a makeover. :)
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Hahahaha yes, "Mum I'm already pretty enough, get that thing away from me!!"
I have a corner cage for Maui, with windows on both sides; I noticed after a few weeks every once in a while he would be super jumpy when I returned from work. I concluded it was the crows flying by during the day - sometimes a bunch. I now have a small blanket over one corner of the cage. This worked for him - little spot to feel safe if needed.
Could be the molt and the fact that she is nearing maturity. And birds can get cranky, crabby, and jumpy during these times. Do you have any kids (especially teens) LOL. Just be patient with her as I'm sure you are. :)

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