Spoiled on Formula


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Aug 19, 2007
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a yellow nape parvipes amazon
Just looking for some advice on formula feeding. Our YNA "Cha Cha" will be 5 months on Sep 4/07 and we are still hand feeding. He is completely capable of eating on his own, but still wants formula.

He says Hungry before bed if we do not give him any. He is getting two feedings a day plus the recommended 1.5 cups of pellets/fruit throughout the day.

We feel bad if we skip a feeding and probably are spoiling him, the so called experts say that you can hand feed up to 6 months, after that the formula is so high in protein there is the risk of obesity. Our little guy is so active all the time so obesity is not a problem now.

He is still taking 30 to 40 cc a feeding and looks forward to getting the formula. What are your thoughts?

P.S. He has beautiful color and smooth feathers, which I think contributes to the formula.
You know, I'm having the same problem. I have an orange-winged amazon. I attempted to ween her down to one serving a day and she started getting thin, so I upped her dose to twice a day again. We've tried everything... but the only time she'll take seeds and pellets is when we hand them to her, and most of the time, she drops them.
I have no idea any advice to give you guys. I got my parrots when they were a little bit older so formula was never an issue. Actually I got my Amazon when she was 29 so the only issue with her was getting her off her wonderful diet of sunflower seeds. :mad:
Just looking for some advice on formula feeding. Our YNA "Cha Cha" will be 5 months on Sep 4/07 and we are still hand feeding. He is completely capable of eating on his own, but still wants formula.

He says Hungry before bed if we do not give him any. He is getting two feedings a day plus the recommended 1.5 cups of pellets/fruit throughout the day.

We feel bad if we skip a feeding and probably are spoiling him, the so called experts say that you can hand feed up to 6 months, after that the formula is so high in protein there is the risk of obesity. Our little guy is so active all the time so obesity is not a problem now.

He is still taking 30 to 40 cc a feeding and looks forward to getting the formula. What are your thoughts?

P.S. He has beautiful color and smooth feathers, which I think contributes to the formula.

What's your vet say? You probably are in a bit of a different situation than the budgie one as Cha Cha is eating food but likes his feeding. This is one where you need to talk with your vet about how to do so. Until you speak with them, and as it is a holiday weekend (in the States), just sustain what you're doing until you speak with them.

And to St Cyril... get the fid to the vet. Probably nothing - but get that all clear.

Keep doing what you're doing as long as the circumstances you describe don't change and call your vet first thing on the next 'normal' hours day. Some wean earlier, some wean later, but call your vet and go with there advice.

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