Sometimes solutions are so simple it is ridiculous..


New member
Dec 22, 2014
Tucson, AZ
Congo African Grey+
Worked closely with many species, birds with behavioral problems, and now birds of prey and other wildlife
The past couple of days, Espresso has been extra finicky about her breakfast. I was getting a little worried but she is pretty picky and I haven't been home for breakfast for the past couple of days so I wasn't freaking out too much. I was thinking it was stress or breeding season problems. Then yesterday she didn't touch her sweet potato...cue the panic. Sweet potato is her absolute favorite!! I started watching her like a hawk and looking at every single poop.

I was going to take her to the vet today. I fed her her breakfast on her playstand (like every day) and noticed that her swing was all up in her eating space and she was getting annoyed with it. I took it down and she instantly dug into her breakfast. All that panic for a swing! What a picky picky bird! :p
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Obviously I'll still be watching her and a vet visit is in the near future for her scissor beak so I'll probably ask for some tests while we are there. What a huge weight off my shoulders though!

Here she is with food all over her beak and perch! Pretty sure 90% of the pictures I share with y'all are foodie beaks!

Pesky swing! Instant relief, Espresso is obviously enjoying her breakfast now that peace has been restored! Love the photo!
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She has been a very happy chatty girl today! Darn that swing hahaha

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