Something is wrong


New member
Jul 20, 2014
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2 Parakeets, Martin and Pipsqueak
So I went to check on my birds and to give them some new toys I bought for them. I noticed Pip was sitting there with his mouth looking funny, so I pulled him out and looked at him. His beak seems kind of pale and overgrown. Also, from where I've been giving him and Martin their antibiotic, I'm guessing it's matted the feathers around the mouth and now the skin looks really irritated.

I'm sure the reason Pip's beak looks overgrown is because neither of them will chew on anything that I've provided them! I don't know why it's pale looking though.

Also, I'm concerned about their nutrition. The vet doesn't want me changing their food until they're over the URI, but right now they're just on seeds. The vet said I could add fruits/veggies, but not to switch them on pellets until they're feeling better. Well, the little stinkers haven't eaten ANY of the produce I've offered them. I've tried every day for the past week.

I'm really trying to take care of them, but they're being turdfaces.
Your vet is right about not switching to pellets right now. You could try soaking and sprouting some of their seeds to add freshness, but dont switch things up when their systems are already under stress. Call the vet about the matted feathers and pale overgown beak though, he needs to know about it.
My vet won't give me answers over the phone. They'll want to see him, which is likely the best thing to do. Unfortunately my 50 hour work week starts again tomorrow. :(

I feel like part of it is lack of sunlight. In a week, I've only been able to take them outside for maybe 3 hours total. I have a Reptisun bulb, but it's a 10.0 and I wasn't sure if I could use it. I originally bought it for my beardie, but it's still in the box and everything. I thought about putting it about 3 feet above the cage.
I would also wait for diet changes until after Pip is better- as silversage said, their systems are under a lot of stress when they're ill and changes could stress them out further.

Maybe call your vet back and explain your work schedule, and see if you could email a picture to them? The other option would be to drop Pip off in the morning, and they can examine him when they have time and then pick him up before the clinic closes.

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