Some question about eclectus parrots...


New member
Aug 17, 2013

So I'm new here and I was hoping to get a new parrot.

Im only a 13 year old boy but the whole family has agreed to help care for the parrot.

We have finally decided on the eclectus species. I won't be getting it for a while now but i just wanted be clear and prepared.

1. Can someone post what they feed their ekkie for break, lunch and din and snacks plz. Do I have to cook the food or can i just give them mixes. I plan on feeding them some kind of cooked thing like bird bread every weekend.

2. Has anyone had experience with optibird for eclectus and could you recommend anything else.

3. I live in London and I cant seem to find any ekkie breeders in London and i resorted to these people who seem to have a lot of experiance in breeding but they have to post so that really worries me. If anyone has got birds from them could you tell me if the birds are good and healthy.

4. Would this cage be okay for an ekkie? African grey Amazon cage Haiti 20 Free toys star buy

5. Could someone give me a kinda starter list (like toys food health care etc) I'll need before and during I have my bird.

6. does anyone know of a good aviary vet in east London or nearby but if I have to go far, my dad is willing to do it (he loves birds)

7. Could someone direct me to a good tree/perch for my ekkie to play on when it has its out of cage time.

8. What ekkie subspecies should i get as I am a beginner and would like a rather less temper mental and nippy ekkie. I was thinking of a Vosmaeri male.

We have had experience when I was younger because my uncle had asked us to take care of his parrot for a year but when we returned it to him it flew on his first night at my uncles house :(

When I go to Uni I'll be leaving my parrot in my families care full time until I permanently return but if I have to go away for a long time my parents said they might be willing to rent a place that allows birds but it depends on their financial future. I thought I 'd put this down just in case.

I can't answer your Ekkie questions but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum and to let you know that someone will definitely be along to help you soon. This forum is so helpful. It gets a lot busier here in the late afternoon and evening so I'm sure you won't have to wait too long. :)
Welcome :)

Be aware that Eclectus have specialized diets, eclectus parronts will be able to give more info on that.

The cage seems a bit small to me, if it was wider it would be better.
Here's my galahs cage, she's similar in size to a Solomon eclectus. Her cage is(in inches) 36" wide, 27" deep, and 68" tall. You don't have to go quite that large, but look for a cage that is wider rather than a tall cage like the one you linked

Hi there,

I have no experience of Ekki's but I do know their diet is pretty specific. I've helped out with a bird rescue in the UK and seen one which was deficient because of the diet it had been fed.

Perhaps buying one isn't quite right for you yet. And if your parents would let the house become a safe house for birds I personally think you'd gain much more from it than buying one which might later have to be re-homed for various reasons as you later put in your post.

It's worth some more thought hun. Any bird is really a full time commitment and because of your schooling, I'm not saying its impossible I know plenty of younger parronts. :)

I wish you luck in what ever you decide. But, I would be careful of buying anything 'mail order' I know of a few scams around. And to be fair you'd really want to see where your bird was bred. The place and parent birds. And get to know the breeder more before taking a new addition home.

Again just my thoughts. I'm from the UK, lancashire. If you need any other help shout.
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Thank you so much I've started research on their diet and it is very specific but I am very determined :cool:.

I am extremely desperate to find a breeder that is in london but so far no luck:(

The place that I have found claim to have 27 years experience and they deliver themselves so I can see the parrot then pay the money on the day but I would rather meet the breeder and his/her parrots where he/she raises them. I would only buy from them as a last resort.

If anyone here knows of an eclectus breeder in East London or near please post it or PM me

Its kinda funny I was just in Blackburn, Lancashire just last week to visit relatives :p
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Since you have had experience with ringnecks, would an alexandrine or indian ringneck be suitable
I have no doubts what so ever you are really trying to do the best for the bird you will want to take home. :)

Ringnecks are wonderful and I love my little mate Bobby, but he is very noisy. And although his training is going well. He may never be hand tame or able for me to scratch his head. So I am sad for that... I guess only time will tell.

However, they are super cute birds, and as anything if it's hand reared and taken on young they might stay super tame. But that all depends on how much time you can devote to them daily.

Bobby is out of his cage from 3pm till 9pm and some during the day when my husband is home.

Any parrot will demand lots of attention. I've never had children, but I have 38 koi out in the garden and they take up a lot of my time. Having a bird for me was a totally new experience and not one which I really had given lots of thought. A friend needed a new home for him and he wanted some koi so we made a swap, Bobby should have been my husbands bird. But for some reason he wanted me :) and I'm pretty happy with that. But he's hard work. Like that little 2 year old who always wants attention.

I do not know what sort of bird would suit you, only you will know that. And only you can decide it, with your research.

Eclectus diet needs lots of fruit. Which in my mind would make for pretty messy poops. Bobby gets lots of fruit and when he does, it's like water and goes all over the place. Something to think about too.

Personally as I've said. I'd never recommend buying a bird to people now after seeing what can and does happen to all the poor birds left behind when people buy them, then realise how hard they really are. I'd always recommend adoption/fostering first.

Going to pm you....

And yeah, where you were is only an hour from me. Small world huh....
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Thanks and yeah your right. I just mentioned indian ringneck to my mum and she instantly said let me see lol. My mum is from India and I was thinking it would remind her of home so she would put extra work it him/her.

Your right about it being a small world thats for sure :p
I've got a few youtube videos of mine up, but there are some totally adorable ones on there. And they're pretty good talkers too. With time.
Dawn Chapman - YouTube

As for the rescue I mentioned look it up and see what is on their rehoming list. They've birds which are looking for homes from all species.

We are a safe house and might be taking in another bird soon. It is a charity which will really always get my support, seeing the birds that aren't cared for and that need that extra special love and attention. We had an African grey for a while, but she didn't get on with Bobby, but we really wanted to foster her for good, she was really special, since we had her though she's found the most wonderful home and we're glad of that.

Birdline Parrot Rescue

They have such wonderful events also around the country for you to get involved with. And younger members are a must to keep birds in the for front of each generation.

Take a look and if you want any other info just ask.
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Thanks I ll get back to you if and tell you what our plans are
amjam it will not matter what type of parrot you end up with,if you do the research and just ask the questions you will be fine with what ever bird you end up with , with an eckkie be prepared to have him /her out live you if taken care of, there diet is the biggest thing, and can end up expensive,and time consuming, but worth ever cent and minute, i have been breeding for 30 years , eckkies 14 years, and would not change a minute of those years. any questions you have about eckkies just pm me, i would be more than glad to answer any questions for you .i just cant help with breeder over there as im in oz

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