Some more green cheek questions


New member
Mar 9, 2012
Virginia, U.S.
Kakariki (Kirby) Cockatiel (Shiro) Jenday Conure (Jojo)
I think I know I want a green cheek conure now (ive been doing a lot of GCC research in the past week or 2) but I have some more questions (still might want a parrotlet or cockatiel)
Whats the youngest,and best age to get them at where they aere eating themselfs?
How can you tell if its a boy or girl? Cause I dont wanna name it "Bob" if its really a girl.
And can anyone tell me some things ill need?
I don't have a GCC, but I can answer some of your questions.

They are probably weaned around 9-12 weeks old.

The only way to tell gender is with a DNA test or surgical sexing. Many breeders will do this for you ahead of time. If not, you can get a blood sample when you take it to the vet for it's first health check up.

To start you will need an appropriate cage, perches, toys and food. Eventually you will probably want a play gym although for small birds they aren't expensive and can be found in any of the chain pet stores (usually). Many cages come with a play top on them as well. You will also need a carrier to take the bird to the vet and other places. A small cat carrier from Walmart will work (plastic kind, not fabric that the bird could chew through). If you can't take your bird out year round you will want a full spectrum light bulb like the kind FeatherBrite sells. I just have mine in cheap clip lights from Walmart.
I think I know I want a green cheek conure now (ive been doing a lot of GCC research in the past week or 2) but I have some more questions (still might want a parrotlet or cockatiel)
Whats the youngest,and best age to get them at where they aere eating themselfs?
How can you tell if its a boy or girl? Cause I dont wanna name it "Bob" if its really a girl.
And can anyone tell me some things ill need?

A good breeder of cockatiels should be able to sex their young chicks. I used to be able to sex my babies by the time they were weaned. Parrotlets & GCC'S will need a DNA.

I have read all your threads on the GCC & everyones replies. As a part of your research I would suggest you concentrate on parrot behavior. There is heaps of professional advice from some well known Parrot Behavior Consultants & it's free. Once you have chosen your baby you really don't have a clue what the birds temperament is going to be like when he settles into his new home. I feel to make the transition easy on yourself & your new baby be ready for any behavior you may encounter. You have to be able to read their body language. If you have all that under control it should be easy. However you still may get the odd bite.:D

Personally being a breeder of GCC'S I know how quick they can turn from a sweet loving little ball of feathers to the devil in a matter of seconds.
Definitely a good point. I recommend Sally Blanchard's advice on parrot behavior. I think she has a website now.

I believe some male parrotlets get stripes near their eyes, which the females don't, but I could be wrong about that. Cockatiels have some physical characteristics that can help tell male/female difference although the breeder who sold my parents one got it wrong, lol! Could have been just that breeder though. When "Marco" laid an egg, we figured out he was a she.
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Im pretty sure boy parrotlets have blue on there wings but I havent done a ton of p'let research so I dont really know.

Im going to a pet expo on saterday & im pretty sure they have adoptable parrots but even if they DID have GCCs I probably couldnt get one (and even if i could get on,I guess ive only researched for about 2 weeks (probably less) and I couldnt get stuff ready by saterday or sunday) But we'll see.(i HAVE researched behavior, diet, price, and what to get though)
Just be careful buying from a bird fair/pet expo. So many birds all in one building can allow infections and diseases to spread. However, they are great places to buy toys, cages and perches, and other things.
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Thanks for letting me know :)
I heard a nice cage size is about 18" × 18" × 24" Is that right?
I don't know if that cage size for a gcc....But my sun conure would not be happy. it would be too small for him.
Thanks for letting me know :)
I heard a nice cage size is about 18" × 18" × 24" Is that right?

That would be fine for a Green Cheek, although if you can afford a larger one and have room for it, conures are super active. Although they seem to use width more than height. Rowdy only goes to the bottom to try to tear up her newspaper. Just don't exceed 5/8" bar spacing so it can't get it's head stuck in the bars and so it can climb easily.

Cliffordsmom, try to remember Suns are about twice the size of Green Cheeks.

You might find a really good deal on a larger cage at the pet expo, especially if you wait until it's about to shut down. The dealer may not want to pack up all that is left and cut you a bargain. I bought my amazon's cage at one and only paid $150 for it.
aw. I did not know green cheeks were such wee little things ;-) Sorry guys
Our GCC didn't seem happy in a cage that size. Although she's small, she's quite hyper and runs/climbs all over the place. Besides, more room means more toys! If you can afford it, I'd definitely recommend a larger cage.

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