Solway bird show


New member
Aug 6, 2017
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Scotland, edinburgh
Parrotlets,Irish fancy canaries, meyers, jardines, white capped pionus, Budgies, Tiels, Goldie & Scaly Lorikeets, Lineolated parakeets, Kakarkis, R.i.P - Pip lesser sulphur cocktoo "always on my shoul
Hello all,

Unsure if this is the right place for this thread but ach well give it a go. Ive been recently recommended the Solway bird show which is on early september not to far from me. Im wondering if anyone has been before and what i could expect? Regards to types of birds sold etc tame,breeding pairs etc? And generally is it worth it or better waiting for the stafford show?. Never even came into my mind about bird shows til i got chatting to birdy people. Thank you for all replies and advice :)
All I ever hear about is the Stafford bird show. I'm thinking of going next year if I haven't found myself a companion by then, who knows you may bump into some people from here if you go
Hello Aye im hoping so be nice to get more birdy links within our feathered worlds. Aye iam planning stafford but solway is on sooner and closer to me reckon i'll pop by give it a shot and see what the faff is about looking forward to it. Hopefully anyone that has been previously can advise on my quieries regarding the upcoming solway parrot & finch show. Thanks Sam
The down side to bird shows is that all sorts of communicable diseases can be spread, with such a large concentration of birds in one relatively small space. Any birds bought should go through a strict 30 day quarantine and the clothes you wear to such an event should be washed as soon as you get home.
Hello wrench13 , aw yes i didnt even think that fantastic thank you. Aye any new additions to my flock are kept seperate for a month and vet checked prior to introduction to the bird room and or avairies. Do you have any knowledge of the show in question? And regarding my quieries about it? Cheers Sam
No, I've never been to a bird show in the UK, but the precautions should always be the same.
The Stafford Show is run by the Parrot Society and although I have not been lately have heard that there have not been many parrots, more the smaller birds.

Perhaps a call will give you some info if it is worth the travel.

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