Socrates the worrier


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Sep 11, 2010
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Marya 11 yr old Lesser Sulpher Crested Cockatoo, Socrates a 4 month old CAG and Cheepers a 1 winged Tiel whos name is dynamic.
I found out Socrates does not like it when I leave the house without him. I was informed by my girlfriend he had a bit of a worry attack looking around for me an sqaking loudly. Havbe only had him for a week but that week started out with a 1000 mile car ride
It's a normal reaction nothing to be to concerned about.
I guess none of them like it when we leave the house without them
I have had Mishka since 6 weeks old, she is almost 3 years old now. When leaving our apartment, I often peek through a window watching and listening to her.
She climbs of the bars at the sides, looking for us
For about the first 5 minutes she is calling for me Mommy mom mommy, Seanie and whistles, then calls Stevie boy a few times
I leave a cd playing for her, with my voice saying words and sentences she is familiar with, eventually she calms down and chats along with the cd.
Make sure there a lots of toys for him to play with, to keep him stimulated.
I've only had Maui for just a few short weeks, he's 8 weeks old today, actually and he does the same thing. Even if I leave his line of vision, the neck stretches and he's looking all around to find Mommy, even though there may be others of the household right there, he's become super attached already to me, and I feel awful when I do have to leave him for a while, but, know it's also good for him to go periods without my constant coddling. He settles very quickly because there are so many other flock members he can coo too and play with. When we're all away, he does get a little attitude with us for the first 10 minutes or so, but then quickly decides he'd like mommy or daddy to give him his daily dose of snuggles. As hard as it is to leave them, I believe it's important in order to develop a well rounded/adjusted bird. Just think, if we succombed to their every little whim, what kind of monsters we'd be creating. It's important for them to find some independence, so that they're able to cope with being alone for periods once they're a little older, and we don't get a plucker on our hands.
It's a normal reaction nothing to be to concerned about.
I guess none of them like it when we leave the house without them
I have had Mishka since 6 weeks old, she is almost 3 years old now. When leaving our apartment, I often peek through a window watching and listening to her.
She climbs of the bars at the sides, looking for us
For about the first 5 minutes she is calling for me Mommy mom mommy, Seanie and whistles, then calls Stevie boy a few times
I leave a cd playing for her, with my voice saying words and sentences she is familiar with, eventually she calms down and chats along with the cd.
Make sure there a lots of toys for him to play with, to keep him stimulated.

What a fabulous idea, Ant! I'd never considered doing something like that for Maui, I think thats just so beneficial for the birds in more ways than one! I think I may try that myself, what great advice!!
Hello and welcome to our forum.

Welcome Aboard ant. has good ideas. I do the same thing when I leaave home. I play a recorder with my voice. Of course it will not play for long. Leave music on too. Rosie my TAG won't even eat or drink when I am away from home which is not good. You have a very young bird and please give him all you can of yourself and you will be returned with same. Happy to have you here.

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