So who resembles this at meal times?

Jason and the Argonauts - love that movie. Very apt too. We all eat together for dinner time, and Salty jumps on his, and then looks to see what we are having. His chop station is right next to where we all eat, so he slides down the support wires, and begs a morsel from Geri. His favorites are pizza crusts and a chicken bone.
hahahhaha omg! That's amazing--I love his face in the clip above too!

Mine is more like that spraying frilled dinosaur on Jurassic Park (see below)
...acts all curious/ innocent and then comes off the perch and literally runs toward my plate to try and steal if I have something she likes....

My mom used to call ME a harpie and I imagine this is EXACTLY what the exact scene she was envisioning LOL (unbeknownst to me! I knew they were mythical half birds with bad attitudes (from context and literature), but this is so much better....
In the World of Amazons:

The hapless Human that finds themselves between an Amazon and Food is known as: Road Kill!!!
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Hahaha, im glad you liked the clip, when i was a lad, they used to play this film every christmas and i never missed it!

The funniest plate theft Enzo has done is once my son and I where eating an Indian, Enzo swooped down and stole a whole poppadom, she couldnt land with it as it covered her feet so begrudgingly had to drop it...... it was hillarious to watch, she always tries to take the largest item she can carry.

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