So it has been a little while...


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2011
Blue & Gold Macaw (Titan) & Yellow Naped Amazon (Kelly)
It has been busy around here the last few months! I started a new job after a couple interviews the last few months, I have 4 classes left for my MBA...I'm almost done...almost so close! I bought a shiny new car today...well it is a used car but new for me.. It looks almost exactly like my mitsubishi eclipse...apparently I like what I like...anyway the birds!

So poor Kelly first of course....I took him to the last busy adoption day and I saw this on the counter and well I had to.

And then he literally passed out face first into the bottom of his carrier on the way home that day.

My girls sitting on eggs...they still haven't figured out they won't be hatching anytime soon.

Loki who is FINALLY getting yellow speckled in on her back.

My green cheeks who are majorly unhappy with me because they didn't get out all week until tonight.... Monkey flew to my shoulder and complained about the whole ordeal for quite awhile....

And Folger boy and his toy massacre...

And because its shiny... the new one is a 2012 Nissan Altima SR Coupe...had to get the V6 because I don't know how to go slow!
Congrats on the new job, and new car, and being so close to your MBA you can taste it! Good for you :)!

Poor Kelly! He's such a good sport! Look at his face, he doesn't even mind lol. Then there's Folger's toy massacre haha. All your birds are so pretty! ...and your snakes, and bunnies, and...
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I can't wait to be done with all the college. I'm taking three classes right now and I just want to let the birds eat the textbooks most of the time.

Thanks! I'm still looking for a home for Ezzie the rabbit. She doesn't fit in here and is very unhappy not having another rabbit to live with. Pongo beats her up when she tries to talk to him. So hopefully someone comes along soon that I trust to take her.

I forgot to mention that the shelter went to one of the expos as a vendor recently and I took Loki as one of the little birds that can be passed around, grabbed, and poked at by little kids. She did really really well! Both days I took her she behaved perfectly letting everyone touch her and stepping up for everyone. She didn't bite once and she knows not to bite but I wasn't sure if she would reach her limit after the thousandth person asked her to step up and poked her by the second day lol. But she was perfect both days. I was very proud of her :D She didn't even try to fly away from anyone! She was harnessed but the only time she flew was to go from one volunteers shoulder to another.
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Nice to hear from you! How's Folger getting on? He looks good in the photo...
Congrats all around!
Nice to hear of you, but OMG what a 'mean' bird mommy you are! Poor Kelly, you've put him in a pink, ruffled dress! lol. Your little guys are cute as always and boy is Folger looking good these days! I like the car too!
It's nice to hear from you, Victoria! You've been missed. I'm glad to hear everything's going well for you. I love your shiny new car, somehow your need for a V6 doesn't surprise me too much.

Ummm, I'm afraid to ask why Kelly was wearing a dress, no wonder he passed out in his carrier.

When you have time, we'd like more photos of your happy group.
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Nice to hear from you! How's Folger getting on? He looks good in the photo...

Folger is doing well. He is very weird though...he freaks out about everything but use the dremel to do his nails and he is perfectly relaxed about it...but glance at him and he freaks like you just shot him:rolleyes:

He did pick at his leg a bit one day last month I think it was but it seems to have been a fluke and he hasn't touched it again. Or maybe he realized tearing toys up wasn't as painful. Though he could have just been mad about the reduced almond intake I have been forcing on him haha.

Nice to hear of you, but OMG what a 'mean' bird mommy you are! Poor Kelly, you've put him in a pink, ruffled dress! lol. Your little guys are cute as always and boy is Folger looking good these days! I like the car too!

I know:D My mean bully of a bird in a pink ruffled dress...I did major damage to his image:54:

It's nice to hear from you, Victoria! You've been missed. I'm glad to hear everything's going well for you. I love your shiny new car, somehow your need for a V6 doesn't surprise me too much.

Ummm, I'm afraid to ask why Kelly was wearing a dress, no wonder he passed out in his carrier.

When you have time, we'd like more photos of your happy group.

The car was my compromise between a responsible adult car and a sports car:D Plus, the nissans last forever which will be nice since I bought my eclipse only about 2 years ago or so and it hasn't stopped having problems the whole time....though to be fair my eclipse is a 2001. Hopefully with the altima I won't need a new car for a long time.

Kelly seems to enjoy going to the shelter these days...even with me torturing him with dresses lol. At first he seemed jumpy about it and didn't like going in his carrier. I'm guessing he thought I'd leave him there but he steps right off my hand into the carrier these days. Spends his time on a stand at the shelter waiting for the unsuspecting adopter to get too close:eek: Just kidding I warn everyone not to touch the green monster:p All the adopters seem to enjoy his antics like him calling for mom when I leave the room or saying bye to the people he doesn't like:rolleyes:

Yep! When I get back home I need to do nails and give baths so I'll bombard everyone with wet bird pictures Sunday:)

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