Snake Necked Turtles: My Experiences in Zoos & at Home


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Jan 28, 2012
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Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. Iā€™m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over20 years with the Bronx Zoo[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
Among the Snake Necked Turtles of the family Chelidae we find some of the worldā€™s most unique and effective reptilian predators. Iā€™ve had the good fortune of knowing many, including a few that were newly-described; all have been fascinating to keep. From the massive Giant Snake Neck (Chelodina expansa), which snatches fish with blinding speed, to the bizarre Mata Mata (Chelus fimbriatus), which sucks them down like a vacuum cleaner, all have their surprises and secrets. While many are suited only for experienced keepers with room to spare, others are quite hardy and suitable for most serious turtle enthusiasts. [FONT=&quot]R[/FONT]ead the rest of this article here My Experiences with Snake Necked Turtles in Zoos and at Home [FONT=&quot][/FONT]
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My Bio, with photos of animals Iā€™ve been lucky enough to work with: That Pet Place Welcomes Frank Indiviglio | That Reptile Blog

Best Regards, Frank

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