Smokers : Beware


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
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Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Something very interesting I found in a book I am reading at the moment...... (The African Grey Parrot Handbook)

Contact allergies in birds, can be implicated in many cases of plucking associated with the legs in particular.

Smokers carry elements of tobacco on their fingers. Even after washing your hands, the tobacco elements are still active and could harm your bird.
Smokers have to be beware that smoking is very injurious to health. Smoking badly hurts the lungs. Due to smoking other parts of body are also affects badly but very badly is lungs affect very badly. And excessive amount of smoking can be fatal to health also. Passive smoking is also injurious to health.
Lucky I quit in April! :)
Smokers have to be beware that smoking is very injurious to health. Smoking badly hurts the lungs. Due to smoking other parts of body are also affects badly but very badly is lungs affect very badly. And excessive amount of smoking can be fatal to health also. Passive smoking is also injurious to health.

That's on every pack of cigarettes. Lol
And people still 'kill' themselves everyday :(
You can tell a true bird lover when they quit smoking for their feather-babies. :rainbow1:
I quit in March 2011, never touch one since.
Feel so much healthier, cleaner and richer LoL
i have lost an uncle and grandpa to smoking but thankfully no one else in my family smokes. i say the only ones who benifit from cigaretts are the people who sell it, i really think it should be illegal, its bad for people and for pets. thank you antionette for posting this, and thumbs up to all those that are quitting or have already quit!:jumping40
My grandmother smoked for 40 years, and then quit because the doctor told her to (cardiovascular reasons, I think). Over 15 years later (not sure exactly now long, she quit before I was born) she came down with a cough one day while she was on vacation. It didn't go away, and it turned out that one of her lungs was entirely filled up with tumor. She died before she had a chance to have it taken out. :-(

I strongly urge anyone who has smoked for any length of time to get your lungs checked out every few years, in case something has developed, so you can catch it before it reaches this point.

I also helped take care of a woman who was dying (more slowly than my grandmother) from lung cancer. It was an awful way for her to die.

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